Sorry it has been so long since my last post! Things have been hectic lately, which is normal for the holiday season. We were blessed to spend almost an entire week in Perry for Christmas this year! We had a wonderful time with my family, and it was really hard to leave them. Luckily for Alexa, Santa found Noni & Papa's house without a problem :) She received so many things it was ridiculous. Books, DVDs, the bear, clothes, money, ornaments, and much more. Among my favorite gifts from Dan are a new North Face jacket, some knock-off Ugg boots and a beautiful snowflake necklace. The most important thing that I got Dan was a kit to brew beer! He says to get ahold of us next winter because he plans on perfecting his brew to be an equivalent to Barley's Christmas Ale! My parents, as usual, were too generous with us. They got us a new digital camera, clothes, tools, money, and more. We seriously got so much stuff that we couldn't fit it all in the car to bring it back to Columbus! That's okay with me though because that means we get to go to Perry again this weekend :) To see more pictures from our time in Perry (besides the few I posted above), check out the following links:
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Post Christmas
I'm hoping to have more time this weekend (or at the very latest the beginning of next week) to upload pictures from Andy and Cathy's visit to Ohio. It was really great to see them and David, and to meet our new niece, Natalie! We wish they weren't so far away so that the kids could all be growing up together. Hopefully, we'll be headed to NC for Natalie's baptism in February so it won't be too long until we see them again. Well, I must sign-off so I can get ready for our friends to arrive to celebrate NYE with us... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!