Alexa has grown and changed so much in just 6 months!

Our last "spring session" story time ~ Meeting my friend, Amy

"Mommy & Daddy, I LOVE squash!"

My friend, Jess, and her little girl, Avery ~ Alexa swinging
We have had a super busy week! Before I go into details, let me just assure my readers that Alexa is doing GREAT on orange veggies!!! We were really pleased with how she was handling the sweet potatoes, but let me tell you, she LOVES squash more than the sweet potatoes! She smacks her lips, opens her mouth really wide, and smiles while she eats 'em. She is eating about half the container per feeding (so one container a day).
So our week... Monday Alexa turned 6 months old - 6 FREAKING MONTHS??? Seriously, where did they go? I looked back through photos from her Birth Day and remember her being so itty-bitty... I have enjoyed so many things during the past few months and am so thankful to be blessed with such an amazing daughter. On Monday, I took Alexa for pictures at Target and then to the grocery store. On Tuesday, we went to our last story time for a few weeks :( The librarians take a break from story times to gear up for summer reading programs. When we got home my girlfriend, Amy, stopped over for a quick visit. In the evening our friends, Ley and Michelle, and their 1-year old daughter, Leylynn, came over for dinner. We had a really great visit! Yesterday, we had a lazy day around the house while I prepared for my 2nd-to-last PSR class. Today was great because we got to meet Avery. See??? I told you we had a busy week! I'm exhausted just writing about it :)
Here are a few videos of Alexa from this week:
It has been 18 days since we've seen my family, but that's going to change TOMORROW! Can't wait for a fun-filled weekend in Perry :) I love Perry, and I love our time with my family. I am so looking foward to this summer... Alexa and I will probably spend a week with Mom & Danielle, while schools out, which means I get to do lots of jet skiing! Alrighty, it's "Nikki-Dan" time. Will post more in a few days. Ciao.
The doctor's orders were to start oatmeal cereal today. To make a long story short, just like with the rice Alexa vomited a few hours after eating the oatmeal :( I immediately put a call into Dr. Jacob's office (as she had told me to do if this occurred). She's not sure what's going on, but suspects that maybe Alexa (and her tummy) don't like the texture of the cereal. So the plan is to try sweet potatoes on Saturday, just three spoonfuls. If it goes well, great, and we'll continue with oranges veggies! If it doesn't go well, Dr. Jacob wants me to call on Monday and make an appointment for an upper gastrointestinal evaluation (i.e. digestive system). With Alexa already having issues with her weight, the last complication we need are GI issues. So please please please keep Alexa in your thoughts & prayers the next few days!!! Pray that her tummy like veggies! Despite this, Alexa has been in a really great mood all day. I started to teach her how to use a sippy cup with a little bit of water, and she even enjoyed some tummy time with the stuffed rabbit from Gram (pictures below). 

Will keep y'all posted on Alexa's progress with solids. As always, thanks for your support! Ciao.
We went for Alexa's 6-month check-up today (a week early because Dr. Jacob is going to be out of town next week). Dr. Jacob is so happy with Alexa's muscle strength, her reaching for and grasping objects, her awareness of her surroundings, her babbling in different pitches, her sitting, her reflexes. She kept saying, "She's so pretty" and "What a beautiful baby." Dr. Jacob really did praise how great Alexa is doing. The bad news is Alexa only gained 1 lb 3 oz since her 4-month check-up :( She now weighs 13 lbs 7 oz, which is the 10th percentile. I cried the entire drive home from the doctor's office. I feel like I must be failing at breastfeeding since my daughter's weight gain isn't what it should be. Dr. Jacob told me it could be that since I'm small/petite Alexa is just taking after me. She's not overly concerned yet, but we have to go back at 7 months, instead of waiting until 9 months, to check her weight. Hopefully with the introduction of oatmeal cereal tomorrow (she's vomited on rice cereal the past two times we tried it) and orange veggies next week (all per the doctor's orders), Alexa will have good weight gain this coming month. We'll still be breastfeeding 3-4 times a day, just supplementing cereal/purees for 2 of her other feedings. Thank you, to those of you that I've already spoken with today, for your support and encouragement :)
Lately, I've felt overwhelmed with the responsibility of motherhood. I keep hearing (or reading about) people's children who are "thriving" (gaining weight, rolling, crawling, etc.) and am worried that I'm not doing what I should to help Alexa "thrive." We read, do tummy time, play with toys, sing songs, dance, look outside (or go outside when Ohio weather doesn't stink), pet Chloe, go to Story time, socialize, run errands, etc. I think she is flourishing intellectually. She tracks really well, she turns her head for sounds, and I swear she is even learning how to turn the pages of a book (I'm not even joking), but I do worry that she is falling behind physically and don't know what to do. Dr. Jacob said some babies never roll, or crawl for that matter, so I shouldn't be overly paranoid. I dunno...
Well, thanks for listening to my babble. I'm headed to PSR. Ciao.

Shopping at Easton
is exhausting!
Nothing is greater than Alexa's giggles!!!
Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I decided to enjoy it with outdoor shopping at Easton :) When we do move [one day] I will seriously miss the shopping in Columbus! So Alexa and I set off for Easton a little after 11 am and didn't return home until after 4 pm. I bought myself a new pair of jeans (of which I was in dire need because I am down to my W.W. goal weight - yay!), and I bought Alexa a new book (Little Cloud by Eric Carle), an alphabet floor puzzle (for when she's bigger), and a cute new pink dress (for this summer). It was nice to walk around outdoors and to feel the sun on my shoulders :) Alexa was in a great mood all day! She really is quite aware of her surroundings and is so observant - she probably enjoys being my shopping companion because there is so much to look at, lol. Her happy spirits continued into the evening... Dan had her laughing in her bouncer while we were making dinner (another great thing about the nice weather - we had grilled kabobs!). After dinner, she apparently found my kisses hysterical.
Today is shaping up to be another gorgeous day. This afternoon Alexa and I are going to play in the backyard with Chloe!! I'll be sure to post pictures later. Tonight Dan and I are going out with friends (I'm looking forward to having some Coronas) and tomorrow we are going to enjoy the weather by heading down to Jeffersonville to do some outlet shopping (I'm due for my "one designer purse a year"). TGIF y'all... Ciao.
We've already had a pretty great week, and it's only Tuesday!!!
We celebrated Alexa's 1st Easter by coloring eggs, attending church, and having brunch together with my family (including our egg war tradition - winner: Paul). We were able to spend a little bit of time at my Gram's house too. Then, we made the drive back down to C-bus for dinner with Dan's parents.
Alexa was fussy all afternoon yesterday and didn't sleep well at all (she woke up every hour for her pacifier to "chew" on). So we're thinking she may be teething. This morning the fussiness continued so I called the triage nurse as well as sought advice on Facebook (lol). I got the same suggestions from everyone: Tylenol, Orajel, refrigerated/frozen toys, and Hyland's teething tablets. The Tylenol seems to be easing her pain along with the toys (for now). I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight though! I don't handle the sleepless nights very well :)~
So that may sound like the week's been not so great, but Alexa's crabbiness was worth it when she sat unassisted (tripod style) during Babytime at the library today and even better when she rolled over (front to back) for the first time! Two milestones in one day!!!

"What cha looking at, Alexa?" - Wearing Jaja's hat on Saturday morning.

A's first Easter egg - Coloring eggs with Mommy

More egg coloring

Easter morning

Our family on Easter Sunday.
Alexa got a piece of homemade chocolate, a bunny, money, jelly beans, a dress & romper (for this summer), and Peeps in her Easter basket.

Playing at Dan's parents' house after Easter dinner (she really loved kicking the ball).

TRIPOD SITTING!!! Yay, baby Alexa!

More tripod sitting and trying to ROLL (she is so close going back-to-front).
A cell phone can be great motivation! Her first roll (ever) from front to back (thank goodness I am a camera freak and always am looking to capture memories)!!!
Take care, y'all. Ciao.
Last week was our much anticipated Girls' Vacation! IT WAS SUCH A GREAT TRIP!!! Alexa LOVED the pool and hated the ocean (probably because the pool water was like a bath and the ocean was freezing). She discovered her feet (that Dan has since labeled her 'happy feet' to go along with her 'fun hands') and how to change the pitch of her "voice." She now has this hilarious high pitched squeal :)~ While in MB, we ate at Dick's Last Resort (where the staff is rude to you ~ hilarious), Planet Hollywood, and other local restaurants. We shopped at Broadway on the Beach (for you C-bus people, it's like Easton times 100), where Alexa got an awesome John Deere massaging corn teether. We swam, laid out on the beach, and even got to karaoke one night! Our vacation was so much fun - even the countless hours of driving were a good time. Thanks for a great trip Mom, Danielle, Erin, Aunt Kathy, Rox, and Bella!!!

En route to Monroe, NC (just east of Charlotte)

Playing with Alexa at Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dave's house

Her first time playing in grass in bare feet

Alexa's first time in a pool

After being dunked (see below for video) - Dinner at Dick's Last Resort

"Someone call 911 I don't know those people" haha - Playing with Bella

In the pool with Noni (and Bella and Auntie)

Alexa's first walk on the beach :)

Getting ready to go shopping at Broadway on the Beach - Alexa was fascinated by flags waving in the wind

Dinner at Planet Hollywood

D, Mom & me at PH - Hanging out on our balcony

Playing in the pool on Monday morning

In the pool with Auntie Danielle - On our balcony right before we checked out

Of course she's happy, we're shopping! - Jack, Alexa & Bella

Rox & Alexa - Our last night in NC
Alexa going into a swimming pool for the first time ever. She really did love swimming!
Me & Alexa playing in the pool.
Her first dunk.
Playing in the pool with Noni.
Still playing with Noni.
If you want to see more photos then the "highlights" above, click here. Ciao.