Alexa fell asleep on our bed last Thursday... she looked so cute, I had to capture it on "film."

Happy 5 Months Old, Alexa!!! Hanging in bed with Chloe & Daddy on Friday morning.

Good times at Sammy K's (aka The Tavern).


Me with Lindsey Klco & Brittney Klco :)

Alexa finally met Linds!

The whole fam (minus Paul) went to meet Regan Isabella Bearer :)

"Auntie Babe" with Regan - Dan & Regan

Alexa loved her BFF's outfit so much that I went and bought her it yesterday!

Mommy & Regan :) Nana & Regan :)

A's 1st bubble bath!

My friend Jess's baby shower.
Alexa has really taken a liking to her activity gym... in this video she demonstrates how she kicks, plays with the toys, and looks at herself in the mirror!
We've been waiting for Alexa to talk (and I know we'll still be waiting awhile), but here is her new "noise." She does this CONSTANTLY!!!
As always, we are busy bees! It was an especially hectic and short trip to P-town this weekend. Friday night was a Fish Fry with Gram and then out to Sammy K's (thanks for babysitting Mom & Dad). Saturday was visiting the Klco's with Alexa, a pedicure with Mom & Danielle, church, and meeting Regan :) Sunday we got on the rode really early because I had my friend Jess's baby shower. It was nice to leave Alexa at home with Dan for a few hours so I could attend that and do some shopping kid-free. Now, I have just a few days to prepare/pack because we leave for NC & SC on Friday morning (Mom, D, and E will be here Thursday night). Can't wait for our trip! Ciao y'all.

Alexa & I spent our 1st afternoon in the backyard ~ we laid and looked at the sky & read books!

We also played rattle and hung out with Chloe :)

Our 2 girls in the backyard. On Saturday afternoon, my childhood friend Sarah (who lives in FL) came to visit!

Andi & Jackson - Me & Alexa (my favorite pic to date of us).

The 5 of us after lunch at Bob Evan's. After the girls & Jack left we had an "Alexa Photo Shoot."

She is too precious!!! Her smiles (and the way her eyes crinkle) make my heart melt :)

Me & Lindsey Klco. Alexa meeting Maya (one of the little girls I've babysat for years).

Big Girl Alexa "standing."

Alexa having Tummy Time on her shopping cart cover.

Reading books with Daddy.
Gosh, I can hardly believe a week has gone by since my last post! As you can see, we've been busy. We've been enjoying the nice weather (minus today), shopping, meeting new friends, etc. Alexa's wardrobe is set for our Girls Vacay ~ she's got a tankini bathing suit, flip flops, shorts, dresses, sunglasses... Mommy was on a shopping spree last week :)- Then, I went on a mini-spree for myself this afternoon (got new capris, bermuda shorts, and shirts). Even though I am only 1.2 lbs from my pre-prego weight (GO ME!), my hips are different, and I can't fit into my old pants quite so nicely. That's fine, just another excuse to go buy new clothes!! Two of my girlfriends, Sarah and Andi (and her son, Jack), came to meet Alexa on Saturday. We were able to hang out for almost 4 hours - it was so great seeing all of them! Then Saturday evening I had my first solo night out since BA (Before Alexa), lol. I went out to some bars in Galena with a bunch of girls from Perry, including my dear friend Lindsey Klco. I HAD A BLAST! It was nice to get out and be Nikki, not Mommy or Wifey, for awhile. Being Mommy has been wearing on me a bit lately as Alexa has been growing extremely attached to me (the downfall of being a SAHM). I'm sure we'll get through it, it's just tough... Anyways, we had the Figurski family stop by to see us on Sunday. They are the family that I've babysat for off-and-on for the past 3.5 years. We've reached an agreement for me (and Alexa) to watch Maya, Kyle, & Abi part-time this summer. It'll be great for me to get out of the house and make a little extra money, and I think it will be great for Alexa to get used to not having Mommy's undivided attention (so that when we have Baby Ritchey #2 she isn't so jealous).
No [major] new milestones this week for Alexa. She continues to grin & giggle more and more each day! She reaches for things and is really starting to interact with her world. It is so neat to see her ever-changing. I just love her so much, no words can describe a mother's love, it's true. Speaking of motherly love, my friend Bry now knows what I'm talking about: Welcome to the world Regan Isabella!!! Bry had her little girl yesterday at 6:06 pm. She was 6 lbs 2 oz ~ we can't wait to meet the little girl who will be one Alexa's BFFs when we go to Perry this weekend :)
I'm signing off for now - TV and relaxation calls my name (sadly, no wine as a. I'm all out and b. I don't want the extra calories because I am too close to pre-prego weight!). Ciao.

Alexa had to ride home like this
after her diaper EXPLOSION
at Walmart on Monday.

Babytime at the library on St. Patrick's Day!

Look - she reaches for her rattle now!

She got her rattle, then
Grandpa picked her up
to play.

Grandma feeding Alexa her once a day bottle. Playing with Grandpa on the couch.

Her booty said "My 1st St. Patrick's Day" inside a shamrock :) Happy St. Patty's Day from the Ritchey's!!!
I'll start with this - when I go grocery shopping I don't take the diaper bag. I just grab a diaper and wipes, throw 'em in my purse, and go. Well, I'm not making this mistake EVER again! On Monday, I load Alexa into the car, and we headed to Aldi's and Walmart. I was just about finished shopping when I noticed the stench. I checked out and took her to the bathroom - holy shit, literally! She had pooped through her jeans, two onesies, and onto her car seat. Awesome, seeing as I didn't have a change of clothes for the child. Thankfully, it was not too cold, and we have the "cocoon" thing to cover her car seat. Once I got her home, cleaned up, fed, and down for her afternoon nap I had to disassemble her car seat and scrub it and the clothes. So what, of course, happened after nap? ANOTHER DIAPER EXPLOSION!!! I was like, "Seriously, Alexa? Twice in one day." She just grins... apparently she likes her own shit :)-
A Belated Erin Go Bragh, lads & lassies! Per our usual Tuesday routine (now that Alexa has recovered from the time change) we went to Babytime at the library after her 45 minute a.m. nap. It was so crowded, and all the little kids looked so cute in green! Tiffanie came over in the afternoon to get some wedding information and to just catch-up. Thankfully, Alexa took a 2.5 hour p.m. nap so we were able to visit without the constant kiddo distraction. I made the typical Irish meal (despite my non-Irish heritage) of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. They don't sell a corned beef small enough for two, so we invited Dan's parents over for dinner. Becky made Irish soda bread (which now that I'm thinking about it, I'm going to have a leftover slice right now). Anyways, dinner was really good, and we had Shamrock shacks for dessert - my favorite thing about St. Patty's day!
I weighed Alexa this morning - the girl is a chunker at 13 pounds!!! Well, I have more Alexa laundry to do from ANOTHER diaper explosion that happened just before nap today and because Alexa received trendy, new clothes from Aunty Kat in the mail! Hope y'all are enjoying this SUNSHINE :) We went outside for about 20 minutes today - it was great!!! I'll post pics from that later :) Ciao.