Alexa in her new hat.
Ready to go on her first stroller walk outside (just us two).
On our walk.
More on our walk and arriving home.

One of my BFF's, Tiffanie - the group taking a pic of her new ring.
Tiffanie's engagement ring. Amanda & Me after a few drinks.

Two different group shots from Saturday night... yeah for self-timers!
Alexa & Daddy napping. Daddy & Alexa enjoying the nice outdoors. (Isn't her smile amazing?)
Doing bubbles in the air at home - we missed the library today because of Alexa's nap.
She obviously loves the bubbles. On another walk through the neighborhood (this time with Daddy).
Getting back to the house. Reading with Daddy.
Alexa during one of her bath times this past week.
Another week has gone by before I finally found the opportunity to write a new post. I never would have thought that having an infant could be so time consuming! Trying to find the time to do household tasks like grocery shopping, cooking dinner, laundry, and cleaning is hard enough - blogging on a regular basis, forget it. Alexa continues to grow everyday, both physically and intellectually. Just this evening she was lying on the floor trying to look at Dan and I (we were behind her head), and she almost rolled over from her back to her front... she was so close! Of course, I went over and "helped" her do it so that she could get used to the motion.
A lot of great things have happened in the past week! In no particular order:
#1 My longest friend in Columbus, Tiffanie, got engaged last Friday and asked me to be a Matron of Honor!!! Ahhhh, I am so excited for her and Ben, and of course, I cannot wait to help her start planning :) #2 I am 1.8 pounds from my pregnancy starting weight! I've made a pact with myself that once I reach that weight (and if it is before our Girls Weekend) I am going to buy a few new clothes (maybe a shirt, pair of capris, and bathing suit). Dan has really been supportive and encouraging. I hope to get these < 2 lbs. off in the next two weeks! #3 We had a get-together on Saturday night. Tiffanie & Ben, Sean & Stephanie, Amanda & Dave, and Eric all came over to hangout with us. They came early enough to see Alexa before bed, and then once she went to bed we drank and played Catch Phrase and Apples to Apples. We had the greatest time! It was really fun to have friends over, and we hope to do it again next month :) #4 Kat was able to call me finally. Her work was kinda not happy with her phone bill recently, so we hadn't gotten to speak on the phone in a few weeks :( So it was fabulous to hear her voice!!! #5 The time change has helped Alexa sleep until 8 am the past three mornings! #6 Dan's parents came over for dinner last Thursday. I made this white lasagna that is a twist on a Weight Watchers white lasagna recipe that I found, and it was divine. There's nothing better than really YUMMY and HEALTHY Italian food! #7 The weather has been warm enough to take Alexa on TWO walks outside! Being born at the end of October and living in Ohio has meant Alexa's contact with the great outdoors has been in and out of the car and that's it. She loves sticking her tongue out at the wind. I cannot wait until it is nice enough to actually play outside with her :)
Well, I'm getting kind of distracted with American Idol - I've picked Danny as my winner, and Dan has picked Anoop - and my waiting glass of Pinot Grigio so I'm signing off... but I'll be back probably sometime over the weekend. Of course, this is another Perry weekend (for my cousin's wife's baby shower - yea, Erin), and I have time to blog there because Noni hogs Alexa all weekend, lol. Can't wait to see the fam - less than 72 hours!
Dan should be blogging any day - his brew has been bottled! So be on the watch for the first brew tale & pics soon.
Alexa loves her bathtime. I am going out and purchasing a baby bath for when Alexa & my future grandchildren so when they come over they can bathe in style versus the kitchen sink! I think it is great that you all had a "date" night. Dan, can you talk Dad into purchasing flowers for me? Glad you are finally able to take our baby outside for some fresh air and I cannot wait to take her to the beach in less than a month. "Girls Weekend" is going to be so much fun! Nikki, I am so proud of you and how you have gotten your self back into shape, you go, girl! Wow, Tiffanie is finally settling down. She has come a long way since the first time I met her at Mirror Lake. Can't wait to see you all this coming weekend and monopolize my granddaughter's time. God bless you all.
Nikki, a big CONGRATS to you on your weight loss. I'm proud of you and you are looking so great. Love all the pics, especially those of Alexa. Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to update your blog and keeping us informed.
Aunt Janine
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