The second weekend of October, we had tickets to the OSU v. Wisconsin game. On Saturday morning, we met my parents in Ashland to hand over Alexa for her first sleepover without Mommy & Daddy. Dan and I were able to go tailgate, go to the game, and go out with friends. It was nice to have a "break" from parenthood :) Here we are at our friends' tailgate and then there is the band right in front of us at The Shoe!
Self-portrait of us and a picture of us with the stadium in the background.
Alexa got to see Auntie go to Homecoming. Papa fed Alexa her bedtime bottle :)
We went karaoking - Tim, Sean, & Dan sang Family Tradition by Hank Williams Jr. - Tim & I sang our song, I Wanna Talk About Me by Toby Keith.
I sang American Pie by Don McLean with the boys, and Dan & I sang Hurts So Good by John Mellencamp.
On Sunday, Noni & Papa brought Alexa to Lodi to give her back (even though they wanted to keep her, haha). We did a little bit of outlet shopping.
Alexa with her Noni & Papa.
I put A's hair in a Pebbles-style ponytail for the first time a few weeks ago... it is so cute!
Alexa loves bath time!
Alexa thinks she can climb out of her "prison" (aka the Playroom), haha.
Auntie came to visit us for a few days! We had so much fun with her!!! We shopped, baked, cooked, and played :)
Her is Alexa with my BFF, Kat's mom. We had a nice visit with Hilary & Mike (Kat's stepdad), and they brought her an adorable outfit for her birthday!
Alexa waiting for her last swim class to start - she really enjoyed splashing, singing, and sliding in class!
Mommy & Alexa at Worthington Community Center.
We had a Playdate with the Sip Family this month. Alexa is really beginning to interact with other children, and she enjoyed sharing her Playroom with Leylynn!
I finally had the bright idea to put a bow in her ponytail :)
Alexa & Mommy at Babytime.
As you can see, it truly has been a BUSY October! Alexa continues to learn new words every day, as well become more independent, more playful, and more social. She is a wonderful baby, and we are beyond blessed to have her in our life! More later, y'all... Ciao.
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