Maybe she could be a professional pianist one day?!?!
Alexa entertained Dan's parents with her farm animals puzzle (which she can do by herself & tell you what each of the animals says). And what child doesn't like to be confined to a box? She wanted in this wicker box and sat down to read her book, haha.
When Alexa was a baby-baby I would put her in the bouncer to watch a half-hour Baby Einstein DVD so I could cook dinner, but she hasn't done that in over a year. For the past year our television has remained off as long as Alexa was awake per the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics (who state that children under 2 should not watch TV). However, for the past two weeks we have allowed Alexa to watch one show before bed - I'm thinking that one show, that lasts about 22 minutes, will not harm her development. In fact, I had a literacy professor tell me that when shows are chosen with care by adults, children can actually learn skills they will use later when reading (for example, prediction & comprehension strategies, just to name two). So it is with that mindset that I have selected The Backyardigans to be Alexa's nightly show. Here is Nick Jr's description of it (for those of you who are not current on children's cartoons, hehe): In each episode, the show's five high-spirited preschool friends--Uniqua, Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha, and Austin--rely on their vivid imaginations to transform their backyard into a fantastical 3-D landscape, and together they embark on amazing epic journeys.
Clearly, Alexa LOVES the show... (this is the opening of the show)
Here are Daddy & Alexa cuddling up during The Backyardigans.
I haven't mentioned my favorite part of watching The Backyardigans ("Back" as Alexa calls 'em)... Alexa ironically clapping & crying when the show ends :-)~ I know, I'm cruel for finding entertainment in my daughter's sadness.
Here is Alexa at Babytime last week. Ms. Allison got out the scarves to play with. On the right side, Alexa is looking at the CD player because Ms. Allison had just turned it on. The photo on the left Alexa is blowing a kiss at the end of "Skinamarinky Dinky Dink." I cannot believe she remembers the motions to songs!!
Here is Alexa playing in the Playroom at my gym. Each day she is doing better & better (And so am I - I've been increasing my crosstraining & resistance on the elliptical and doing great with my lifting exercises!!).
Alexa, Mommy, & Piggy (Alexa's new favorite obsession) watching our nightly show. Piggy pretty much goes everywhere with Alexa these days.
Here our some pictures from our first See Me Run class last Wednesday. Alexa had tons of fun pushing around a stroller & baby, doing puzzles, playing in the cars, throwing balls, etc.
The craft time was a little difficult - she kept sticking her hand over the dotter thing (instead of really decorating her name tag) and she through a tempter tantrum (a think I got a preview of the "Terrible Twos") when I said all done. But after I cleaned her hands and moved her on to another task she forgot all about it and had fun again!
Some nights Alexa does a little bit better with saying "buh-bye" to her TV friends :-)
We're having another fun weekend in Columbus (because I did not want to drive in the winter weather storms that Perry has been getting since Thursday). This morning we went to Polaris Fashion Place for some playtime and shopping. It was a fun morning for the three of us :-) After nap we are heading to a hotel in Dublin to see our good friends, Kelly & Charlie, who are in town from Buffalo for the night. We haven't seen them in forever so it'll be really nice to catch-up! Then later tonight, Francesca (the neighbor girl) is coming over to babysit (although Alexa will already be in bed) so that we can go downtown for a few hours to celebrate Eric's 30th Birthday! I can hardly believe it is the end of February... where have the past two months gone? I mean, my gosh, we are already almost 10 weeks (1/4 of the way) into this second pregnancy!! Wow! Will post again soon. Ciao.
Alexa is so dare beautiful; even when she is saying bye-bye to her TV friends. She is getting smarter everyday and it shows that her mommy spends a lot of time with her because she has so many of Nikki's traits. I know Dan spends a lot of time with Alexa too and she has some of his traits as well. We missed you all this weekend but are glad you decided not to come because we have a ton of snow right now. I love you all and will see you next weekend!
Hugs and kisses,
The little video of her waving at the TV is so cute... She is so smart, well done to you both for being such good parents!
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