Here is Alexa on Wednesday morning... she wanted to wear her sunglasses (LOVE her smirky facial expression in the first pic).
This trip to N.C. was so much better than the one last September thanks to the minivan! It was so easy for Dan to hop in the back to take care of Alexa, and she certainly enjoyed being able to watch movies!! She would wear the headphones for a little bit then (because they were too big) she would get frustrated so we would have to listen to Barney throughout the entire car.
Alexa enjoying the N.C. sunshine in Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dave's front yard. Bella & Alexa were fast friends, again. Bella couldn't believe how big Alexa had gotten!
Alexa showing Bella the butterfly flag (have I mentioned that butterflies are her new obsession?). And she unhappily road the 4-wheeler with Uncle Dave. I knew she didn't like the sound it made (b/c JaJa's loud motorcycle bothers her), but I figured if I forced her to try she would like riding it because she is so adventurous - I was wrong!
Walking down the driveway with Daddy (wearing her purse & sunglasses - she is so her mother's daughter!) on Thursday morning. Out to lunch at Dan's fave little restaurant in Monroe (Blue Moon). We went out to lunch with Aunt Kathy and Rox (and one of her friends) after walking around the downtown area.
Bella & Jack were excited to play with Alexa again on Thursday as soon as they were done with school. They both asked me if we could wake her up from nap immediately when they came over - I let her sleep for an additional 15 minutes, and then the kids went to wake her up with me. Alexa seemed upset at first, but then she realized "Who cares about sleep when you have cousins to play with??" hehe
Alexa began to figure out how to ride the tricycle. She also enjoyed drawing on the garage floor with chalk.
Bella & Alexa walking in Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dave's front yard. Then we went to dinner at Rox and John's house on Thursday night (here are the kids playing in the backyard).
Alexa had such a blast with Bella & Jack! Daddy & Alexa swinging.
Trying (unsuccessfully) to get a good pic of Alexa with Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dave. When she grew a bit restless, I took Alexa for a walk.
We followed Uncle Dave & Jack down the street.
More coloring with chalk. Saying goodbye to Rox (we weren't going to see the Waldbillig Family again on Friday, boo, but can't wait to stay at their house in July before we go to Myrtle Beach!!).
Coloring is one of Alexa's favorite things to do. And she actually remembers coloring with Uncle Dave last Friday (because she just told me about it on Wednesday this week)!
The neighbors just got a mini-chihuahua. Alexa liked snuggling and holding Daisy :-)
A video of Alexa riding one of the tricycles on Friday morning (she couldn't quite reach the peddles on this one like the other one).
Saying our goodbyes in Monroe - which are way easier to do knowing we'll see 'em all again in 7 weeks! Our time with all of them really makes me yearn to move to N.C. Hopefully, Noni & Papa will get their butts in gear so we can follow them down there ;-)
We had an uneventful ride to Durham and arrived after nap. Alexa was excited to have more kids to play with (cousins David & Natalie)! Here I am feeding her a snack (which she vomited later during a coughing episode).
Side note: Have I mentioned Alexa's ear infection issues?? Well, here is a brief synopsis of the past month... we first found out she had an ear infection at her 18-month appt at the end of April, and she went on antibiotics for 10 days. Then almost 3 weeks later I had to take her to Urgent Care on Sunday, May 16th because she spiked a super-high fever and had vomited. We learned that the ear infection was back (or it never left). So she went on another 5 day antibiotic. While we were in N.C. her cough and runny nose got worse, and I took her back to the pediatrician this past Tuesday and learned she still has the pesky ear infection! Ugh. She is on a third antibiotic. Hopefully it will get rid of it. If not, she will do a 3 day series of injection antibiotics at the doctor's office. Let's hope it doesn't come to that!
Our nephew, David, and niece, Natalie, eating snack. They are both really great eaters (willing to try new things) compared to Alexa. Dan and I agreed on our drive back to C-bus on Sunday that we are going work on Alexa trying new foods and to stop falling back on her comfort foods (pepperoni, salami, waffles, cheese, pickles, strawberries, granola bars, etc.). So far we have had a lot of success this week!! Alexa has eaten chicken parmigiana & pasta, baked beans, rice, and eggs. These are all things I had attempted to give her before, she would refuse to eat, and I would give in and give her one of her fave foods. I am trying to live by the philosophy of, she will eat anything if she is hungry enough, and it is working!
Alexa and Natalie playing with babies and trucks.
All three of the kids playing with the doctor's kit.
After the kiddos went to bed on Friday night, we went out to dinner with Andy and Cathy. It was really nice to have some adult-sibling time, as much as we love our children most of them time they distract us from having full conversations, haha. So thanks to Cheryl (Cathy's mom) for staying at home with the kids so we could go out - you have no idea how much we appreciate it!!!
On Saturday morning, Dan, Cathy, and I took the kids to the Museum of Life & Science (at least that's what I think it is called). We first played in the sound/motion room....
The more you move the louder the sound/music gets.
The girls back in the stroller to head outside... banging on the drums!
All three of the children banging on drums (it was loud!). Alexa & Daddy looking at a few of the animals in the mini-zoo area.
Mommy & Alexa getting ready to go to a special new exhibit at the museum... but first, we stopped on the steps to listen to the children violinists. Alexa really enjoyed the classical music and clapped a lot for the kids!
Natalie, Daddy, and Alexa in the BUTTERFLY EXHIBIT (which literally opened that morning - it was fate!). Aunt Cathy (poor Alexa is going to be so confused with all the C/Kathy's and Dan's in her life, haha) & David trying to identify the different species of butterfly.
Mommy & Alexa in the Butterfly Exhibit. I must say [and I know I am biased but] as I looked around the museum at all of the kids that day I couldn't help but have my heart burst with pride in how smart and beautiful our little girl is. She looked so cute in this pink outfit and communicates much better than the average 19-month old. Alexa is the daughter I always hoped/imagined I would have - gorgeous and brilliant with loads of spunky personality ♥
Daddy showing Alexa the butterflies in chrysalis (what many people incorrectly call a cocoon). The three of us before leaving the Butterfly Exhibit, which Alexa positively adored ♥
David and Dan hanging out on the front porch, and the girls doing a puzzle together.
Maureen and Dan came over to visit and have dinner on Saturday. The kids enjoyed making a fort with them! David kept wanting to "hide" in the fort, so Cathy and the girls would "seek" him ;-) It was cute!!
Alexa riding the scooter at Uncle Andy & Aunt Cathy's house (she says both of their names, as well as David, Natalie, Uncle Dan, and Mo Mo excellently!).
Pretty much every time we have been to N.C. we have gone to this local place, Loco Pops, with Maureen and Dan. This trip was Alexa's first time enjoying one (she had a Cherry Lime flavored one that she really liked). Although after cheers-ing Daddy, she was a Popsicle Thief (she always is, even at home) and started tasting his Chipotle Mango and liked it more!
Dan, Maureen, and Alexa at Loco Pops.
Playing with the doll some more on Sunday morning. After seeing her pushing it around in the stroller and feeding it in the highchair, I am super jazzed about what a great Big Sister (and helper) she is going to be when Baby Boy is born!
We stopped in Greensboro en route to Columbus on Sunday for lunch with Maureen & Dan. The kids loved watching Mo Mo cook!
Uncle Andy making Alexa's butterfly (that I bought at the museum) "fly away." And Dan playing with (and dreaming of getting) an iPad.
Uncle Dan reading Alexa one of her favorite books, Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb.
We had a really great trip to North Carolina and took loads more photos then I am posting (I picked my favorite 65 or so to share with you)! It is always nice to get away from home and to spend time with loved ones that you don't see as often as you would like. We really appreciate that Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dave and Andy & Cathy opened up their homes to us and all of the excellent meals everyone fed us :-) We look forward to seeing my family again in July, like I briefly mentioned above, when we stay in Monroe for 2-3 nights before heading to Myrtle Beach with Noni, Papa, and Auntie. Who knows when we will see Andy, Cathy, David, Natalie, Maureen, & Dan again, but hopefully it won't be too long!
We have had a super busy week (shocking, right?) which is why it took me literally all week to post about our trip. We had lots of grocery shopping, laundry, and housework to catch-up on. We went to the Columbus Zoo, did some recreational shopping, and went out to dinner with our friend, Tim (who will be traveling abroad for work for the next 6 weeks). I've arranged for several play dates for Alexa next week: one with Kyla (her friend at the gym) and one with the Nguyen's (who just had their 3rd baby boy!). But before we think about next week, we are all excited for our LONG weekend in Perry! We'll head up sometime this afternoon and have plans to go to a grad party, a pool party, and to the fresh food market. It's gonna be another great weekend! (I feel like I use the word 'great' a lot in my posts, lol). I'll try to post about this past week sometime over the weekend. Until I write again... Ciao.