Alexa showing off her first skinned knee, that she got on Friday while waiting in the driveway for Noni & Gram.
I was Tiffanie's Matron of Honor :-) We became friends towards the end of my freshman year at OSU, just over nine years ago! Too this day, she is the friend that I have kept the longest in Columbus :-)
The beautiful Bride.
Bride and M.O.H.
Me walking down the aisle (the two flower girls tailed directly behind me). The wedding was beautiful, and I teared up several times watching the look in Ben's eyes and hearing the emotion in Tiff's voice throughout the entire ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin & Tiffanie Weaver!!
Instead of the usual limo, we rode around in a Trolley. It was really neat, although it made me have a little motion sickness.
Me on the Trolley with Mickie, the girlfriend of Ben's cousin Corey (who was a groomsman). We had a great chat about babies (she wants four too!).
Me at the reception and pics of my hair (which I absolutely LOVED).
More hair pictures... next time I'm in a wedding I am DEFINITELY wearing my hair like this :-)
Tiffanie & Ben cutting the cake.
A few pics of me and Dan.
A self-portrait of the two of us, and a picture of us with the Bride and Groom!
I can hardly believe that Tiffanie and Ben's wedding is over! I have spent so much of the past 14 months helping my best friend research, plan, shop, and prepare for her wedding day... I made programs, guest placecards, table names, went bridesmaid dress and gown shopping, attended alterations appointments, helped make the layout for the reception, threw a bridal shower, and listened to hours of Tiffanie talking about all of the plans/preparations. It was my pleasure to be her Matron of Honor!! I am going to be bored now that it is all over... NOT!
Now it is time to prepare for the next step in our life, Baby Boy ♥ I have been feeling him move more and more each day, which is just amazing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE feeling our son move. And Dan actually felt him move last Thursday evening! Since we have both felt him, we feel it is more important now then ever to name him. We've got stacks (literally) of Baby Name books from the library that we will be pouring through en route to North Carolina (and back if need be).
Alexa spent all day Saturday with Noni & Gram. They had fun shopping, going out to eat, and just playing at the house. We are so thankful that they came to take care of our little girl - it was much easier for me to relax and enjoy my day with Tiff knowing Alexa was in such good hands!! Yesterday was a rough day though. Alexa woke up with a fever, was extremely irritable, refused to eat, and eventually threw up. I took her to Urgent Care and discovered her ear infection has returned :-( The doctor gave me a different prescription then the one Alexa had taken a few weeks ago, so hopefully it will take care of the problem for good! She slept great last night, has been in better spirits today, and is currently taking her nap. She has eaten animal crackers and regular crackers and is drinking plenty of liquids. Hopefully, our baby will be 100% by the time we leave for North Carolina. We leave on Wednesday and head to Monroe first to see Aunt Kathy, Uncle Dave, Rox, John, Bella, and Jack. Then we move-on to Durham on Friday to see Andy, Cathy, David, and Natalie. While we are there we will also see Maureen and Dan. I'm really looking forward to testing out the new van and it's "special powers" (i.e. the DVD player) on our first long car trip! And I cannot wait to see everyone! It should be a great time, with our families and beautiful weather. I will post pictures and stories of our trip when we return... Ciao.
1 comment:
You looked great as the MOH. And you are right - your hair was so gorgeous - but not as radiant as you are. Pregnancy really agrees with you. Loved the picture of you and Alexa with her sunglasses. It looks like you had lots of fun at the wedding and I think the trolley was a neat idea. Sorry you had a little motion sickness. Have a safe drive and good luck with selecting Baby Boy Ritchey's name. Love, Aunt J9
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