Since we've returned from N.C., I've already mentioned how busy we have been. It feels good to be busy and have stuff to do, but it is also overwhelming because so much needs to get done before Baby Boy is born! There are clothes to be bought, a nursery to set up, and Alexa's bedroom to redo (our plan is to put her into a twin-sized bed in August so we don't have to buy a crib). I know it'll all get done (just like my house will eventually be "Spring Cleaned"), but I just wish I could snap my fingers and it all be done right now!!
Monday, May 24th -
Alexa climbed onto the kitchen table, grabbed a napkin, and started blowing her nose (all while my back was turned making her breakfast). She definitely sets her mind to something and goes for it!
Here is Alexa "cooking" (really mixing Fruit Loops in a bowl) while I make dinner, and when Daddy got home she asked him to put on her sunglasses and read her new book about BUTTERFLIES, of course!
We planted grass seed before we left for N.C., and Alexa likes to help Daddy water the small spots with the watering can. She calls it "gardening."
Upon taking this picture, I realized Alexa needed a watering can her own size, and I found the perfect gardening set (watering can, shovel, rake, and something else) at CVS when I was picking up her new prescription last week.
After eating a great dinner (this was the night she ate chicken parm & pasta) and doing yard work, we settled onto the front step for popsicles. We call Alexa the Popsicle Thief (and she calls herself it too) because she'll ask, "Mommy, taste?" And when I offer her a lick of my popsicle, she bites it! Then she laughs... she is really quite the comedian.
Goofing around in the bath tub.
She LOVES how Daddy wraps her up in her puppy towel ♥
Wednesday, May 26th -
Here is Alexa coloring at the gym. Coloring is one of her fave things to do, and she does a really nice job of holding the crayons and scribbling all over the paper :-) The ladies in the gym are constantly amused with Alexa. They cannot believe how far she has come in just four months - from crying, separation-anxiety ridden baby to playful, happy toddler. The women all like to have Alexa repeat words (like their names or things in the room) because they are amazed with the way she enunciates words (and remembers what they mean). I'm happy that they talk to her and encourage her communication skills just like I do at home. After leaving the gym (and it was Wed so it had been ZUMBA day, which I still love love love), Alexa and I headed to the zoo.
We saw the new polar bear exhibit (I wasn't too impressed with it actually), ducks, flamingos, fish, koalas, and kangaroos. The two of us enjoyed our packed lunch in the shade, but had to leave because Mommy was super duper hot and it was time for Her Highness's nap. It is great having a zoo membership so we can go for an hour or two and leave without having to pay for parking or admission. We will most definitely get our $$$-worth this summer!
Thursday, May 27th -
Alexa's first ponytail!! Isn't she adorable? And yes, she is laughing at herself. I cannot emphasize enough just how funny Alexa really is. Besides herself, Alexa constantly has us chuckling and sometimes even strangers!
Have no fear she spotted Barney at Babies R Us and HAD to ride him... then threw a temper tantrum when we left. Thank goodness I found a ginormous stuffed Barney (just like the one she has at N&P's house) at Once Upon A Child for $3.50 last week. He goes with us whenever we leave the house (but stays in the car) and is pretty much attached to Alexa's side.
After leaving Babies R Us, we met Tim for dinner. Alexa entertained him and even got him to color with her! He will be in England for the next few weeks and is giving us his key to the pool at his condo complex. When you see how much Alexa loves swimming (in pictures below), you will understand when I say that we will be going several times while he is gone! Then, on Friday afternoon we headed up to Perry to enjoy the long holiday weekend. I'm trying to remember what we did but am drawing up blank so obviously it was simply a relaxing night at home.
Saturday, May 29th -
As soon as we were ready, Alexa, Daddy, Noni, and Mommy drove to downtown Cleveland to meet Uncle at the Westside Market. It was cute watching Alexa point to all of the fruits & veggies and identify them as we walked through the busy market. We bought some yummy treats (pretzels, lemon squares and foccacio bread) at the bakery, and Noni loaded up on produce.
We took a break from the grocery shopping to do some dancing in the square across the street from the market. Alexa was thrilled to head back to the market holding Uncle's hand (and I adore seeing the two of them together!).
It has been a number of years since Dan and I had been to Uncle's house, so we followed him home so that we could see all the work he has put into it. It looks fabulous!!
Alexa LOVES Uncle ♥
That afternoon we went to my mom's cousin Roberta's house for a graduation party (that was like a mini-family reunion). It was really nice to visit with family that I haven't seen in years!! And of course, Alexa had Papa wrapped around her finger taking her anywhere she wanted to go (like into the chicken coop and to pet the goats!).
Sunday, May 30th -
After going to church, we stopped at the nursery to get some plants. Noni & Papa got tomatoes and pumpkins, and we just got tomatoes (beef steak and cherry).
After nap it was time to head to Johnny's for the first of many pool parties we will attend there this summer! Alexa wanted to be in the water the entire time we were there (with a small break for dinner and rest). Thank goodness there were five of us to take turns swimming with her!!
In the picture on the right she is probably pointing at and saying "Lola" (my childhood friend, Channing's new puppy that Alexa adored).
Papa made Alexa try on the vest to see if she could jet ski later this summer. Good news: it fits and she floats. Bad news: she was uncomfortable! Ah well, I'm sure she'll have her first ride on the water before June is over!!
This is Alexa's watering can that I mentioned I got at CVS. She drenched her entire Barney towel (Noni saves EVERYTHING, the towel is from when Auntie was a little girl!).
A funny after the party story: Daddy, Auntie, and I bring Alexa home to give her a bath and put her to bed. While sitting in the living room, I hear Daddy say, "Alexa do you have to go poopy? Let me rinse your hair and then you can go on the potty." I then hear Auntie leave her bedroom to stand at the bathroom door, then she bursts into laughter. The next thing I hear is Daddy saying, "We've got some floaters!" This is the first time that Alexa has every went poop in the bath tub (and hopefully the last). It was hysterical!
Monday, May 31st (Memorial Day) -
First, let me say THANK YOU to all the men and women who served or continue to serve our country. It is because of you that we are all able to enjoy the luxuries and freedoms we have in the United States. It is because of you that my daughter and son will grow up feeling safe and happy. For all the service men and women, I am extremely grateful.
Here is Alexa in the car before she went "crash" (i.e. tipped it over) and then watching Daddy mix the potting soil.
She helped Noni hang the bathing suits on the line and then did some "gardening."
Checking out the big tomato plant that Noni & Papa got, and digging in one of the pots.
Helping Papa and swinging with Auntie.
Daddy, Alexa, and Papa planting the pumpkins and then watering the tomatoes with Daddy.
There was a small parade in Perry that the five of us went to.
Alexa loves "firetrucks" (and points them out whenever she sees them).
Watching the parade and collecting lots of candy!
Posing near the firetruck after the parade with Mommy & Daddy and Papa & Noni.
Alexa also sat on the bails of hay/straw.
Tuesday, June 1st -
After nap we had our first playdate with our new friends from the gym, Mrs. Bobbi and Kyla. We were surprised when Mrs. Christi showed up at the park with her kids (Jacob, Xander, and Chloe) too! When they got to the park Chloe shouted "ALEXA!" the moment she saw her, and Alexa smiled and yelled, "CHLOE!" It was so much fun watching Alexa interact with these children who have honestly become her friends from seeing 2-3 days a week. Bobbi and I have setup our next playdate for next Wednesday - we are going to a Spash Park in Powell. After dinner Alexa cuddled up on her couch to watch an episode of Barney while Daddy prepared....
Once Daddy was ready, I took Alexa outside to help with "gardening" (i.e. planting our tomatoes). And as a treat, we went to Munchies, this very cool frozen yogurt place!
Wednesday, June 2nd -
After going to Zumba, we went to visit the Nguyen's and meet baby Matthew. He slept the whole time we were there, but Alexa really enjoyed playing with Daniel and Joseph. They played with blocks and all different sorts of vehicles. I had a nice chat with Sarah, and we agreed to schedule another playdate soon! (I must say it feels really great to be making friends with other mommies! I have felt so alone/isolated in Columbus, away from my family and with friends who are not at the same point in their lives as we are in ours, and it is absolutely wonderful to not feel so alone anymore!!!) We then came home for lunch and Alexa helped me make dinner. This casserole, Fireman's One Dish, is one of our favorites, and Alexa really enjoyed putting the peas, corn, and tatar tots in the dish!
In other news, we are working on Alexa's behavior a little bit (not because she is bad, more like as a preventative measure). Anytime she cries/screams about something, we tell her that we don't understand and to "use her words." She will calm down pretty quickly and then say whatever she wants (i.e. down, more, cuddle, etc.). As part of this behavior plan, Dan and I are also working on our patience with her and our voice levels. We have agreed to try to save the yelling voice for if Alexa is doing something dangerous or extremely wrong so that way she knows we are absolutely serious. So that means the rest of the time that we are correcting her, we get down on her level and tell her what she is doing wrong and to make better choices. If she gets 3 warnings, then she sits in a 20-second timeout. I feel like she remembers/understands things (like retelling people about our trip to the zoo, or what the two names we are thinking of for Baby Boy are, etc.) so she should be able to grasp concepts like we don't stand on chairs unless we are cooking. I know she is still a baby, kind of, but she is so smart and I want to take care of behavior issues before the new baby is born!
No surprise here, I'm going to brag about how brilliant Alexa is!! She is learning new words and ideas/concepts every single day. She enjoys her time with other children and is all but done with the separation anxiety she was having a few months ago! It really is such a pleasure to spend every day with her, I am so appreciative that I get to experience everything with her. Here is a cute Alexa story: One night last week I asked her, "Alexa, who loves you?" She said, "Daddy." I kept asking, "Who else?" And she responded with, "Papa. Noni. Auntie. JaJa. Grandma. David. Natalie..." The list went on and on, but the last two names she said were the two names we've been testing out & debating between for Baby Boy :-) So sweet that she already knows her brother loves her (no matter what his name is) ♥ She amazes me :-)
Wondering what names we are debating between?! Here's another recent conversation with Alexa:
Mommy: Alexa, we're gonna have a baby....
Alexa: Brother!
Mommy: And we're gonna name him...
Alexa: Sam!
Mommy: Or...
Alexa: Jack!
(We have mini-convos like this all day long. The cuddly newborn stage was nice, but this interactive toddler and still semi-cuddly stage is so much better!!! It is so neat to see Alexa's personality developing!)
Speaking of Baby Boy... he is doing great! At my last OB appt the doctor said we'll do one final ultrasound at 28 weeks (in July). He is moving a TON and is getting strong. Dan has felt him move a couple of times too :-) It is such a great feeling to be connecting with a little human being inside of you. Again, I am amazed and so very blessed!! Yes, the two names we are thinking are either Samuel (calling him Sam) or Jack. The middle name will definitely be Walter after my grandfather. Jack was the name that we liked for a boy years ago, just as Alexa was our girl name, but it seemed to be growing in popularity lately. However, according to my recent research it is losing its popularity so I may be okay with it. I really like Sam, but Dan says it sometimes makes him think of a girl (because lots of Samantha's go by Sam). Who knows what we'll decide upon but I'm certain it'll be one of those two names.
Back to Alexa... she is continuing to do great with her eating. She has tried so many new things and has even found a few new favorites. It makes moments like going to lunch with Daddy at House of Japan today so much more enjoyable knowing she will eat/share whatever we are eating (our chef actually cut up steak & chicken into child-size bites for her, which was really sweet). She is also doing really great for a 19-month old at potty training. She has earned so many stickers (both at home and at Noni & Papa's house) for using the toilet! I think this past Tuesday was her best day - she peed or pooped every single time she was on the potty and several times her diaper was still dry! Finally, in case you were wondering, Alexa's cough and runny nose are gone which Dr. Jacob said would happen if the ear infection began to clear up. So praise this antibiotic she is on for getting rid of the stubborn ear infection!!
Phew, that was quite the post!! I'm off to get some stuff done around the house and to make a few phone calls. Will post again soon... Ciao.
She is so grown up and beautiful and smart! You must be such proud parents. xxx
I don't know where to begin after reading all of this post. I think Alexa takes after her Mom with liking the library (Nikki remember when you used to come visit me in Kentucky and I would take you to the bookstore?). I think Nikki looks great at 24 weeks pregnant. Is Johnny's pool heated? It must be because y'all don't look like you are freezing. Wish our pool here was heated. I like her ponytail. You need to put the tissue somewhere she can reach them, a napkin is much too rough for her precious nose. And finally, thanks for the salute to our servicemen and women on Memorial Day. Love, Aunt Janine
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