Wednesday, August 4th
In the picture on the left I am 33 weeks pregnant with Alexa and on the right I am 32 weeks pregnant with Jack. As you can see, my belly is definitely popping out more with this pregnancy! (I'd happily like to draw your attention to the fact that my face, arms, butt, and legs are all smaller this time though!!) I've mentioned before that we were having maternity pictures taken... We had three different sessions: 7/6, 7/21, and 7/29. Here is the link to the Professional Maternity photo album I posted on Facebook. It is a compilation of the best pictures from all three sessions - hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Since moving the office upstairs, Alexa has brought her toy laptop up too. She sits on the couch and "works" right alongside me :-)
Thursday, August 5th
Alexa and I went to visit the Sip Family again. We took them a couple of meals and were able to have loads of time with Serey since we were their only company. I am so proud to say that Alexa does a GREAT job with being gentle and affectionate with Serey; something I am hoping will transfer to her own baby brother in a few weeks! Since last week, she has continued to talk about "baby Serey" and how he'd be "done eating in couple minutes" (because she saw Michelle cover up to nurse him) and how he is "cute." ♥
After nap we met Zach, Bobbi, & Kyla at the Splash Pad in Dublin -- we all like it so much better than the one in Powell! The girls spent more time in the water, and we don't have to chase after them as much because unlike in Powell where there is a playground right next to the SP, there is not a playground next to the Dublin SP.
Friday, August 6th
We had a family date night at the Ohio State Fair ♥ As you can tell from all of the pictures, Alexa really enjoyed the animals!! She was very brave - petting the horse, a Mama & baby cow, and other various animals in the petting zoo. Daddy & Alexa rode the Merry Go Round twice, and we all splurged on unhealthy fair food :-)
Saturday, August 7th
We didn't take any pictures this day, but I can tell you how it was spent :-) Every Saturday morning (that we're in Columbus) I go with Bobbi to her ZUMBA class in Hilliard and Daddy & Alexa have Daddy-Daughter time. This alone time has been so special for the two of them the past few months... they have settled into a routine of sorts (going for coffee, to the park, and to the library) and it has definitely enhanced their bond ♥ Once I returned home, we did a little bit of shopping and came home to do lots of work. We're making great progress on our "nesting projects" that I spoke about in my last post! The gate is down in the basement and we are just trying to figure out the best placement for all the toys, the couch, the TV, and George (the damn gorilla is a P.I.T.A. b/c he is so big and only works well in a corner spot). All of the closets in the entire house have been sorted through & reorganized (you should see all of the things we donated!), the [only] guest bedroom has been rearranged, the floors have all been scrubbed, more laundry has been done... the list is endless.
Sunday, August 8th
Besides doing even more work at home, we went out to Pat & Becky's for a visit. Hard to believe we hadn't seen them in five weeks! Alexa enjoyed entertaining her grandparents with her intelligence and humor :-)
Monday, August 9th
Aunt Janine and her friend, Chris, stopped for a mini-visit on their way back to Kentucky. We had a yummy lunch at Applebee's! The highlight, in my opinion, of lunch was when Chris asked Alexa how old she was. I didn't expect her to answer because I have never talked to her about her age, but she shocked me by saying "Eighteen months." I laughed and told her no, she was actually 21 months but good try :-) I could not believe that Alexa even knew the number 18 or the word months!! Just goes to show that children are like sponges, they absorb EVERYTHING, even things you were not trying to teach them! Like her butterfly outfit? It was mine when I was her age - I found it in a bin over the weekend when I was clearing out closets!
Jack's bedding arrived today - yay! It is called Blue & Cocoa Argyle by JoJo Designs (here it is if you want a sneak peek before you get to see it in Jack's nursery). So we went to Home Depot to pick out paint tonight. We are doing three walls Brown Teepee and then an accent wall Chocolate Coco. As I write this, Dan is painting the accent wall :-) We are so excited to begin work on the nursery FINALLY!! If he doesn't come before his eviction date, Jack will be here exactly six weeks from today... so hard to believe! Our goal is to be done with all of our "nesting projects" by the end of next weekend so that we can enjoy the last month of this pregnancy without stress and really devote a lot of time to Alexa before she has to learn how to share us :-)~
The other big event on our agenda involves Alexa's potty training... Everyday she is getting better about telling us that she has to use the bathroom, so I've decided that next Thursday her and I are going on house arrest (if you will) for a few days to do aggressive potty training. We are going to get her big girl Dora underwear, a few big prizes, and hopefully by the end of next weekend (not only will we have our entire house in order but) Alexa will be diaper free!! Please pray for us... patience for me (& Daddy too) and self-control for Alexa!!!
We're all looking forward to this weekend... it'll be our second to the last trip home as a family of three (we will go again the weekend of Aug 27th & then I'll be given the orders of no more traveling until after Jack is born). So NE Ohionans make sure you see us this weekend or in two weeks because we won't be back again until the first weekend of October (I'm guessing). Alexa is anxious to go see a big water fountain with Noni & Papa (that they saw in downtown Cleveland and have been telling her about on the phone) and to see Uncle Dave & Aunt Kathy (who will be up visiting from NC). We'll see more visitors when we return to Columbus on Sunday because Maureen & Dan will be here. Every time we see an ambulance, Alexa says, "Ask Uncle Dan ride ambulance," so I told her she can ask him this weekend if the next time we visit NC (which probably won't be until next March/April) he can let her ride (or at least sit in) an ambulance :-)
I better go keep Daddy company while he paints... don't want him to think I'm merely FB stalking while he is hard at work ;-) Oh, for those of you who've been asking... I still feel GREAT! I'm doing ZUMBA one/two times a week and then working out another one/two times. I'll keep hitting the gym hard as long as my body isn't whining, which is okay with Dr. Davy (side note, as we drove down Sawmill yesterday GPS Alexa pointed out Dr. Davy's office building - she is just beyond amazing, right?!). Okay, for real, I'm headed upstairs because despite my best efforts to get up there sooner, Daddy has now finished the accent wall and wants me to check it out... Ciao.
1 comment:
It was so great to see you and Alexa on Monday. Thanks for meeting us at Applebee's. Sorry we were rushed for time and couldn't go to the zoo. Really enjoyed seeing all the pregnancy photos that you had taken, loved the blue jeans and high heels - you look quite glamorous. Alexa is remarkable, I'm still shaking my head over her comments about my "fireworks" shirt! Love, Aunt Janine
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