Jack woke up at 7:18 am, which is in his usual window of 7-7:30 am.
His first nursing session of the day is usually his longest (about 5-7 minutes per side - the rest of the day he only eats for 3-5 minutes per side).
While Mommy gets a shower, Jack has some play time with Daddy.
After spitting up all over his pajamas while sitting up in bed, it is time for Jack to get changed into his clothes for the day.
Since we have been trying to keep Jack upright most of his awake hours, he spends some time in the jumperoo when we first come downstairs in the morning.
Pretty much every time we walk away to throw J's diaper in the garbage he rolls over :-)
I just started putting this baby travel pillow around Jack's neck when he is in the car seat because it helps keep his head from completely resting on the back of it. Today we were heading to the gym and Jack took a brief morning nap in his car seat. It is typical that he takes his morning nap on-the-go 3-4 times/week for anywhere from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. He naps in his crib for the same range of time on days that we are home too.
Jack has his first solid meal of the day after his third nursing session. He has two ice cube sized servings of whatever food item I happen to grab from the freezer. And as typical for 1-2 days/week, Anthony (our neighbor) joined us for lunch!
He is usually awake for 2.5 hour increments... meaning he wakes up in the a.m., is awake for 2.5 hrs, takes a morning nap (length varies), is awake for 2.5 hrs, takes an afternoon nap (length varies), is awake until bedtime (unless he took a short afternoon nap and needs a 'power nap').
Today J's afternoon nap was about 2 hours, from like 1:10 pm - 3:15 pm. Afternoon nap ranges from 1 - 3 hours.
Francesca (our neighbor/babysitter) comes over to visit 1-2 afternoons a week. Jack l-o-v-e-s her, just like Alexa loves Anthony!
Jack is great at pulling his taggie down when you cover his face :-)
Jack enjoys feeling (and sometimes tasting) his board books.
After a fourth nursing session, Jack has his second round of solids. On the menu today, carrots.
Jack was having a bit of a meltdown while we were eating dinner so I took him out of the Bumbo for some cuddle time. I think he is kinda getting frustrated that we really haven't been letting him rest his neck/head much the past few days because we are trying to give his head a chance to round out.
Both of the kids love the funny faces and noises that their daddy makes at them :-)~
In the evenings the four of us have family time in the playroom.
The kids get a bath together every other night - Daddy always does bath time.
Cute pic of Jack with Bear and Moose in his rocking chair before his final feeding of the day.
Jack continues to take a half of a 15mg tablet of Prevacid once a day for his acid reflux.
Sometimes we read a few short books together, sometimes I read a short book to Jack while Daddy reads a longer one to Alexa, and sometimes we do both before bedtime.
I always put Jack to bed (b/c Daddy claims he goes to bed easier for me). Before I lay him in his crib I sing him a few songs, including You Are My Sunshine, and say a few prayers for him.
Jack went to bed at 8:10 pm.
As you can see Jack has quite the busy day for a 6 month old! He spends lots of time upright and exploring the things around him, eating, getting his diaper changed, watching Alexa, sleeping, etc. It has been such a blessing watching him grow every day, getting to know him, and being his mother. Words cannot express how much my life has changed for the better since having these two wonderful children that God gave us.. Hope you enjoyed spending the day with our Mister Man as much as we do
We went to the pediatrician this morning for Jack's 6 month check-up. He received two shots and one oral vaccination. He took it like a trooper, only briefly crying before a smile once again lit his precious face :-)
His stats:
- 20 lbs 4 oz (90th percentile), he has gained almost 3 lbs in 2 months!
- 26.75" long (75th percentile)
- 17.75" head circumference (90th percentile)
Our weekend was filled with loads of family time, some outlet shopping, a visit from our friend Jamie, and a visit from Dan's parents. We focused on keeping Jack off of his head during his awake hours and on his side during sleepy time. Overall it was a really good, relaxing weekend :) This coming weekend will be a busy one while we're in Perry - heading to a fish fry on Friday and then having a Girls' Night taking Alexa to see the middle school production of Aladdin on Saturday. Lots to look forward to!
Over the past few days, Alexa has been entertaining us with her 'obsession' with Pinocchio, Lucifer (the "nasty cat" from Cinderella <-- Alexa's words), and Maleficent (the evil fairy in Sleeping beauty). It is hysterical to hear her talk about villains from any story/movie. It is also pretty comical when she sends us to Pleasure Island because we've been bad and we're going to turn into donkeys or says, "I dub you ___ [insert someone's name] conscience," hehe. She is also so sweet... for example, when watching Cinderella get her dress torn apart by the evil stepsisters she said, "It's gonna be okay, Cinderellie. Don't be sad." And in fact, she comforted me last week when I was crying about what to do for Jack's head - she kept giving me hugs and telling me it was going to be okay. She says "I love you, Mommy" or "I need a hug!" several times a day and all of these things just melt my heart
1 comment:
Cute blog!
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