Monday, November 9, 2009

She's WALKING!!!!

It's getting kinda late, but I wanted to upload a few movies that I took this morning of Alexa...

For those of you who haven't gotten "the phone call" (from me or Dan) or seen on Facebook, Alexa took her first steps last night!!!!!!!! The three of us were playing in the hallway upstairs with Alexa's brush. Her and I were showing Daddy how she brushes my hair :) Then we got her to stand up and used the brush as "motivation" to try walking, and SHE DID IT!!! She took about 5 steps the first time, then fell down. After that she would walk 2-3 steps at a time and sit. She even stopped mid-walking to look down and watch her foot lift up from the ground in sheer amazement (it was really cute). After a little while, we were able to get her to take 7 steps - yay!!! It was definitely a very exciting moment in the Ritchey household :)

So this morning, when Alexa woke up early (because she is having a reaction to her MMR immunization and is displaying symptoms of the measles) I took her down to the Playroom so Daddy was able to sleep until his alarm went off. While we were playing I tried to get her to walk so I could video it for our loved ones who won't see her for awhile. I did get her taking a few steps (and I'll try to get more videos as her walking improves for y'all), but I also got some other cute movies...

Here's Alexa with her new shopping cart (we bought it with a gift card from our friends, Kelly, Jarrod, & Dylen).

Alexa is SO SMART....

A few steps towards the rattle.

Like I've mentioned in previous blog postings, Alexa will [usually] give you a kiss if you ask for one. As you can see in this video, she also gives people on her blocks kisses too :)

Alexa has taken a new fascination with taking lids off of things and putting it back on. Here she is at work.

Well, Alexa and I are off to Rootstown (near Kent) tomorrow to see The Soika Family :) So excited to meet baby Ardynn and to see Rich, Sharon, and R.J. I have been super swamped with projects for my class, visits from my aunt & uncle and mom & dad, and preparing for Alexa's second 1st birthday party. As soon as I have a free moment, I will update the blog with pictures from the past several weeks - Halloween, the Playroom, our visitors, and the Dublin party. Until my next posting. Ciao.


KatUK said...

She's amazzzzziiinnnng! Congrats on such a smart, beautiful daughter. I cannot wait to see her in December. Make sure she can say Kat by then.. Miss you all! xxxx

janine said...

What great videos and I loved to see her take a few steps. I bet if she had had her shoes on she would have walked even further HA-HA. And did she really say Nonni? That is what it sounded like in the one video. She is so smart, amazing, pretty and cuddly. Love, Aunt Janine

Becky said...

Way to go, Alexa!

Patrice said...

It was definitely worth the wait, our baby finally says Noni! She is doing a very good job walking but I have to agree with Aunt Janine, if she had her very cool high top white shoes on she would walk even further. LOL Alexa has such a big vocabulary, you can definitely tell she is Nikki's daughter and the faces she makes...well..I have to say she gets that from Dan, the creating of many funny faces! I cannot wait to see you all on Friday. Alexa, Dan, Nikki and Chloe...we wished you lived closer! Love you all; hugs and kisses too! Noni

perrynana said...

Loved the videos. She sure is talking and doing great walking without the high tops.LOL