Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our Family of Four will become FIVE this week!

In my previous pregnancies, I felt like time stood still for the [almost] 40 weeks while my baby grew. Other people would always exclaim toward the end of the pregnancy that they couldn't believe how fast it went. I'd smile, laugh, & think to myself, "Yeah, maybe to you because you don't have this little alien invading YOUR body at the moment!" Haha. I don't know what the difference is this time... Is it that I have two very active children to keep up with? Is it that I am not worried about labor & delivery? Is it that I'm comfortable & confident with my role as Mom? Whatever the reason, I honestly feel like this pregnancy has zoomed by and have a hard time believing it is just about over. I feel like it was yesterday, not last August, when we first saw the 'pregnant' on the digital test. It seems surreal to me in just a few days we will have THREE children!!! This is a BIG week for our family, and yet I'm still going about my day-to-day routines like nothing is happening. Quite weird.

I'm very excited to meet Henry this week :) I cannot wait to see what he looks like. Will he be born with dark hair like both Alexa & Jack? If so, will it stay that way or will he too be a blonde like his older sibs? Will he have my brown eyes, Dan & Jack's blue eyes, or Alexa's hazel eyes? What will his personality be like? Will he be a silly, brilliant, feisty, and emotional chatterbox like his big sister? Or will he be a sweet, brave, rambunctious, and adorable charmer like his big brother? Probably a combination of both... I know he will be a unique individual that we will love soooo very much! Ahhhh, I am SO EXCITED to meet our newest son

What's new with Alexa: We've been battling some "Terrible 3's" behavior lately... Alexa is so curious, has such a wonderful imagination, and is very stubborn. This can lead to some dramatic behavior from her, which has proven to be quite challenging for Mommy & Daddy... Her 'testing of boundaries' has led Dan and I seeking a better means of discipline in our home. We've both been reading 1-2-3 Magic by Dr. Phelan, which focuses on controlling obnoxious behavior, encouraging good behavior, and strengthening your relationship. We have slightly begun to modify how we handle situations with Alexa, and once we are both finished with the book we plan to more fully practice the principles discussed in it. Our goal is to have a happy, smooth-operating home that empowers our children to be independent, opinionated, and respectful :)

Onto more positive things... Alexa can make a friend anywhere we go. Seriously. Just yesterday she made friends with two little girls in the play area at Polaris Fashion Place. She was playing tag and hide & seek with them within a few minutes of entering the kiddy-chaos. Some of the friends she has had playdates with lately are kids of my friends (the Nguyen boys, the Sip kids, the Hinton girls, and our neighbor girls the Hull's), but she has also made some friends of her own (Miriam, a girl who was in her art class, and Max, a little boy from the gym that she calls her boyfriend). It amazes me that we have a daughter who is old enough to make friends! It doesn't seem like all that long ago that she was a newborn!

Alexa is really into books, both being read to and looking at books & 'reading' to herself. She loves fairy tales, Bible stories, anything Dr. Seuss, and even educational books. She loves learning and is so inquisitive. Some of the questions she has even stump me! Alexa is a pack-rat. She loves to collect other people's junk. It drives me bonkers, but it makes her happy and I'm sure my Papa is smiling down from heaven at his little prodigy

She had her first haircut at a children's hair salon last week (her other cuts were done by my stylist up in the Perry-area), and she really loved it. She was able to watch Horton Hears A Who and the girl pampered her with cupcake-smelling mousse, diffusing her curls, and braiding her long bangs. She was a Curly-locks Beauty when we left, and you could tell she felt girly & special :) It was a good lesson for Mommy who with bone-straight hair didn't have a clue what to do with her beautiful loose curls!
Alexa is excited to become a big sister again! She shouted at my belly a few weeks ago, "Henry, I can't wait to meet you in two weeks!!" Hard to believe that is now just 4 days away!

What's new with Jack: He has been a bit clingy to me lately. Ok, that's an understatement. He has been a lot clingy. Like throw a screaming fit if Daddy carries him up the stairs, even though I am right behind them. Flailing on the changing pad until he sees me enter his room. Shouting "Mama" 1,008,957 times a day. He is a Mama's Boy for sure. I think he senses that change is coming and for that reason he is trying to "cling" to his comfort zone. Even though he won't be the "baby" per se in our family anymore, I hope being so close in age to his little brother does not force Jack to 'grow up' too quickly. I still want him to be able to be a baby/toddler!

A few weeks ago we moved Jack into his Big Boy bedroom. It is a John Deere tractor theme, and he loves it! He surprised us by making a great transition from the crib to his new twin-size bed. Although every few nights he'll fall out of bed, as he is still getting used to not being "contained" while sleeping. I bought a pool noodle (a suggestion from my friend Sarah) to place under the sheet, and thus far this cheaper alternative to an expensive bed rail seems to be working! 

Jack has been 'communicating' more lately. The cutest thing has been his head nod. Whenever you ask him a question that the answer is yes to, he nods his head with a sly smile on his face. Sooo cute! He knows the names of lots of the members of our family, and says simple words like up, please, thank you, book, ball, Donald Duck, diaper, baby, more, grapes, banana, water bottle, milk... He is not talking as much as Alexa did at this age, but seriously how many children really do?! We understand what he wants (most of the time) by his grunts & pointing and the rest of the time Alexa talks for him, leaving him no real motivation to use his words. And although Jack may not be talking tons, he understands everything we say to him. Now, getting him to listen is another story, haha.

Jack is SO BRAVE. His daring nature scares me. He will climb anything without fear. He will go down any slide without looking to see if someone is at the bottom to catch him. It is so contrastingly different from Alexa who always has sought me for approval, reassurance, safety, what-have-you. His bravery/daring nature has led to some bumps and bruises, but he usually "shakes it off" pretty quickly. 

Jack likes to point at my belly and say "baby." And he smiles when you ask him if he is going to be a Big Brother :) We'll see how he feels about it on Thursday ;)

What's new with me: I'm actually feeling pretty good. I've never been in such good spirits at the end of a pregnancy. Usually I'm wishing it to just be over with already and doing a lot of complaining. Don't get me wrong, my belly is heavy by the end of the day, my hips do hurt, and my sciatic nerve is painful, but I'm still just enjoying the pregnancy. I'm cherishing feeling Henry move and keeping him to myself just a little bit longer!

Inspired by some devotionals I did during Lent, Alexa's growing spiritual curiosities, and witnessing another set of students receive their First Holy Communion, I have been trying to work on my relationship with God. When I reflect on various times in my life I know the periods that were most peaceful were usually around the times that my faith was the strongest. Not only do I want to feel more peaceful, but I want to set a good example for my children of trusting in the Lord. So I am seeking short but meaningful devotionals and books to read to continue to help me grow in my faith.

What's new with Dan: He is excited about starting a new project at work sometime this summer. But before that, he is looking forward to spending about two weeks off of work with me and the kids :) It will definitely be a BIG help to have him home with us for so long! Every day Alexa asks if Daddy is going to work that day, and she loves hearing "No" on Saturdays & Sundays -- she is going to be overjoyed to have him home! Dan brewed a new beer a few weeks ago, he says it is a Cream Ale, whatever that is. He needs to bottle it sometime this week and it should be ready to drink in about two weeks. I don't think I ever mentioned (probably because I've been a ghost on my blog until recently) that Dan GRADUATED!!!! After more than a decade (and lots of nagging from me) he received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Franklin University this past winter. I am SO PROUD of him for this accomplishment!

Recent Activities
We've been trying really hard to stay active and do loads of fun things with Alexa and Jack these past few weeks!
The week of April 16th - 22nd, we had a playdate at Lattes & Lollipops (this is a new cafe in Powell, check out the website) with the Nguyen family, we went to Liberty Park one evening (there are other parks that are closer to our house, but this one is Alexa's favorite), we had a playdate at the Columbus Zoo with my friend Ashley & her son Peyton (and we ran into Alexa's boyfriend Max & his mom Holly randomly while we were there!), Alexa got a haircut, and Noni & Papa came to visit for the weekend.

The week of April 23rd - 29th, I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for the first time (and had a blast thanks to my dear friend Amy who is the GM there!), went back to Lattes & Lollipops so the kids could play while I crocheted (hehe), had a playdate at Miriam's house, had lunch downtown with Daddy & Grandpa, learned about & celebrated Earth Day, went shopping at Toys R Us & the Disney Store, went to Scioto Park (a park that Alexa has been asking to go to because there is a picture of the stone face from the park inside our Kroger), and spent time with Grandpa & Grandma.

This coming week, tomorrow will be my last full day alone with just Alexa & Jack by myself. Besides a quick trip to The Anderson's in the morning, I plan to spend the day playing in the basement doing whatever they want to do and snuggling on the couch watching a favorite show or two with them!! On Tuesday, we will have our last pre-baby playdate with my friend Jess and her two daughters :) Wednesday is the start of Daddy's vacay from work. Not sure what we will do all day, but I want it to be something extra special since it'll be our last day as a family of four. My mom will arrive that evening so that she can be with A&J while we are at the hospital. The induction is scheduled for Thursday, May 3rd at 8:00 am. If all goes well, hopefully we'll be meeting Henry in the early-to-mid-afternoon :) We will probably stay at the hospital until Saturday morning. Anyone who wants to visit at the hospital or once we are home, please contact me or Dan to figure out a good time!!

Preparing for Henry:
The clothes are all washed and hung.
We have a stockpile of Newborn and Size 1 diapers.
The nursery is all ready (minus a statue of a bear that we really want but can't find).
The hospital bags are in the process of being packed.
Three of the four hats I am crocheting for his newborn pictures are done.

... The next time I post we will have a third baby!!! It is so exciting (and a little nerve-racking) to think about!! I'm sure pics of the lil man will be on Facebook & Twitter within an hour of his arrival, and hopefully I will have an opportunity to post my Labor & Delivery Story before too long, as well as update y'all on what Henry's personality is like! Until I blog again... Ciao.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Past Due "Announcement"

It is crazy to me that at 36 weeks 2 days pregnant I am fiiiinally blogging with the "announcement" that we are expecting a third "little Ritchey" (what I've dubbed Alexa, Jack, & baby) in early May!

Nonetheless, here are the quick details on the pregnancy:
  • We found out on August 30, 2011 that we were expecting again. Due date May 9, 2012.
  • We had our first ultrasound on September 28, 2011 to confirm the pregnancy.
  • We heard the heartbeat for the first time on November 9, 2011.
  • We had another ultrasound on November 12, 2011 and found out that our third baby is a... BOY!
  • I began to feel flutters on November 15, 2011.
  • I started feeling real kicks, punches, & such around Christmas 2011.
  • Daddy felt the baby move for the first time on New Year's Day 2012.
  • I am scheduled to have the baby on May 3, 2012. So unless he comes naturally before then, he'll be evicted in just under 3 weeks!!!
Here are more in-depth details on the pregnancy:
  • "Morning" sickness: I had it the worst of all three pregnancies this time. I never actually vomited, thank goodness (!!!), but I battled nausea throughout the day (usually whenever I was hungry) from weeks 8 - 13.
  • Name: Over the past several months, we struggled more than ever before to come up with a name for the baby... I tend to like simple, plain, old-fashioned names, such as Henry, Dean, Pete, and Neil. Whereas Dan likes names, such as Luke, Isaac, Finn, Owen, and Wyatt. None of which I even considered, LOL. As most of you know by now, I won the Great Name Debate. Our second son will be named Henry Daniel Ritchey.
  • Cravings: I was all over the spectrum with cravings during the second trimester. Some of my favorite things to eat have been Doritos, clementines, smoothies, blackberries, anything chocolate, and Oreo's.
  • Energy level: I was e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d the first trimester. But as soon as the second trimester started I felt normal again. Most days I even forgot I was prego because I was so busy with Alexa and Jack! Then, what seemed like overnight (at the end of my December), my belly P-O-P-P-E-D out! This bump definitely complicates my ability to do some things. Yet, I feel lucky that these days I have quite a bit of energy most of the day. I usually feel worn out around dinnertime then get my second-wind at like 9:30 pm.
  • Weight gain: Dare I even admit it... I've gained 35 lbs already. The most of all three pregnancies, and I still have about 3 weeks to go. But I know that I can and WILL lose the baby weight, FAST. I gotta be in a bikini this summer ;)
  • Movement: Still feeling Henry move quite a bit. Most of it is either him pushing his butt out on the top-left side of my bump or him hiccuping (just like Big Sis & Big Bro did tons of in utero!).
  • Size: As of my most recent ultrasound, 2 days ago, Henry is 6 lbs 4 oz. The ultrasound tech estimates that at induction date he should be somewhere between what Alexa (7 lbs 4.5 oz) and Jack (8 lbs 2.2 oz) weighed.
  • Signs of labor: I always think that I don't get Braxton Hicks, but then when I am induced and feel my first monitored contractions in the hospital I realize I'd been feeling those minor contractions for weeks. So I'm pretty sure I've been having some B.H. for the past two weeks. But nothing consistent or anything to make me think I'm gonna go into labor before "Eviction Day." I had my first internal exam this week. Not to give out TMI, but my cervix was a bit too high for Dr. Davy to tell me how far effaced & dilated I am - so we'll see if she can tell at my appt next Wednesday - but she did discover that Henry is REALLY low. I asked if that was a bad thing?!?! She assured me that it was fine and that it would probably mean I'll labor fast again :) :) :)
  • Mental state: Have I ever wrote about how much I love being pregnant. Despite the climbing numbers on the scale (that a vain person like me struggles with seeing), I feel pretty. I love the energy boost and the nesting instinct that I get during the second trimester (although I drive Dan crazy, hehe). I love feeling my baby move. I love imagining what he/she is going to be like. I love preparing for his/her arrival. Pregnancy is such a special thing. A blessing. Something that I am thankful I have easily, safely, and enjoyingly been able to experience three times ♥ I'd say I'm in a pretty good state of mind writing/thinking like that this close to the end (when most mom's-to-be are so over being preggers).
Here are the ultrasound photos:
  • First ultrasound on 9/28/2011 (8 weeks)

  • Second ultrasound on 10/28/2011 (12 weeks, 2 days)

  • Third ultrasound on 11/12/2011 (14 weeks, 3 days)

  • Fourth ultrasound on 12/28/2011 (21 weeks)

  • Fifth ultrasound on 4/11/2012 (36 weeks)

Here are the growing-Mama pictures:

8 weeks
12 weeks
14 weeks

16 weeks
19 weeks
23 weeks

24 weeks
26 weeks
28 weeks

30 weeks, 1 day
34 weeks
34 weeks, 4 days

For more pictures, check out our Professional Maternity photo album on Facebook. Photos were taken in Perry, OH by a friend of mine from high school Lorelei (who is just starting to dabble in professional photography). She did a superb job!

Here are some comments/thoughts on the Siblings:
  • Alexa: She is going to be a great Big Sister [x2]. She is such a good helper with Jack & loves him so much, and I know she is going to be the exact same way with Henry! She has been very interested in my pregnancy and always wants to try to feel her new little brother move :)
  • Jack: I think this Big Brother business is going to be quite an adjustment for him. I'm know Jack will be great with Henry (he likes the other newborns he's met lately). But I worry that emotionally he'll feel overlooked/ignored (because he has been demanding LOTS of Mommy time lately!). I may be surprised though because he smiles so big when you ask him if he's going to be a Big Brother and will point at my belly and say, "baby." :)
Here were our preparations:
  • In January, Alexa moved into the largest of the three spare bedrooms. We painted it turquoise and decorated it with Disney Fairies. She loves her Big(ger) Girl room, most especially how her queen-size bed enables more stuffed animals to sleep with her!
  • In February, March, & April we've slowly been working on turning Alexa's old room into Jack's new room. We painted it a brown color and decorated it with John Deere tractors. Tonight is his first night sleeping in his Big Boy room. His first night in a twin-size bed. Hopefully he sleeps well and enjoys the new room!
  • This week I went into overhaul and did L-O-A-D-S (no pun intended) of baby laundry. The clothes, the burp clothes, the towels & washcloths, the Boppy covers & nursing cover, the bassinet bedding... All that still needs washed is the crib bedding (which I was waiting to do until Jack moved into his new room). Everything is washed. Everything is put away. Feels relieving!
  • We aren't making too many changes in the nursery. Just needed to add Henry's name to the wall and have been locating a few "Hunting Lodge" type items to decorate it.
This pregnancy has gone by so fast. So very fast. I can hardly believe we are going to be Party of Five (LOVED that show in the 90's!) in less than a month! Well, it's getting late and my mind is getting hazy. But I'm pretty darn sure that I've managed to include everything in this post in regards to this pregnancy & baby Henry... if I think of something I've forgotten I'll add it later :) Ciao.

My Favorite Things

I can't tell you how many times a day I think, "I love when Alexa does that!" or "That is the cutest thing that Jack does!"... Time passes quickly and the things that I love/admire/adore about my kids changes as they grow & meet new milestones, and so I decided maybe I should post what my Favorite Things about each of my babies is right now :) Listed in no particular order.

  • Hearing Alexa talk... I mean seriously, she talks all the time. But the things that come out of her mouth amaze me! Not only does she have an unimaginable vocabulary for a 3-year-old, but she speaks with emotion, inflection, and humor. And she invents words. The one word that she created that has stuck around is "quapadility" -- we aren't too sure what it means, as the definition is ever-changing, but it is said often. Haha.
  • Hearing Alexa sing... I posted in my blog about her how she knows quite a few songs. I forgot to mention this one though: Red Solo Cup (by Toby Keith). She will completely belt out "Red Solo cup, I fill you up, let's have a party, let's have a party..." at the most random times. I love it.
  • "I love you, Mama"... Ever time she says this to me... Just, WOW.
  • Her new found interest in Jesus and God. She has some really great questions and wants to be read to from her children's Bible daily. She does an excellent job at not only reciting her prayers (i.e. saying grace at dinnertime or blessing family members before bed), but also at having special prayer requests and talking to Jesus.
  • She is 100% girlie. Alexa loves to wear dresses/skirts, have her hair done pretty, and even enjoyed her first pedicure with Mommy last week! She is interested in make-up and always takes her Coach purse with her (even told Auntie that she needs a bigger one, hehe). Alexa loves the Disney Princesses and Fairies, and loves to play dress-up... the list of girlie things she likes goes on and on, and I'm just so happy that she takes after me :)
  • Watching Jack "toddle" around... Seems like we waited foreverrrr for him to walk but now there is no stopping him! At first he would hold up his hands up every.single.step. to maintain balance - too cute. Now he has begun to master balance, and has gained speed and agility. It's awesome.
  • When Jack goes down a set of stairs... As long as he is wearing a bodysuit or a sleeper he glides down the stairs on his belly at fast speeds with a HUGE grin on his adorable face.
  • Jack finds himself to be quite humorous... He will randomly bust out laughing at himself throughout the day, and from there it turns into this squinty-eyed smile facial expression that makes everyone laugh (we call it the "cheese face" - and he does it on command!!).
  • Since the start of the New Year, Jack entered the separation anxiety/I love Mommy phase... This means he has been saying "Mama" A LOT :) And my favorite thing about this is when he comes over to me, sits in my lap, leans his head back into my chest, looks up at me, and opens his mouth for a kiss. He is so affectionate. It's so sweet.
  • Seeing Jack fiiiinally have an interest in books... We'd long ago stopped trying to get Jack to sit in our laps and listen to a story. He was too busy and just didn't care. The teacher in me is proud to say that this has changed :) Jack now loves to be read to, and he loves to turn the pages, and he likes to look at books independently, and he can say the word "book."
  • Peek-a-Boo... This "game" is fun anywhere, anytime, with anyone. Jack will hide toys, himself, and even covers my eyes when I say, "Where's Mommy?" His laughter is the best sound. Ever.
  • "Ka-chow!!" (not too sure on the spelling?) My lil buddy is obsessed with Lightning McQueen & Mater and says the race car's signature phrase In the sweetest little boy voice you'll ever here :)

My MOST favorite thing of all... The way that Alexa and Jack love each other! I mean seriously, I could go on and on and on with stories that display how much these two care about one another. From the times that Jack has wiped away Alexa's tears, to the times that Alexa sneaks Jack a part of her cookie even though he didn't eat his dinner, to them calling each others' names (yes, Jack can say Alexa -- it's one of his few words) as they search for each other in our home... Their sibling love warms my heart, makes me weak in the knees, and brings tears to my eyes. It is hands-down the best part of being their Mommy.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Ever heard of it? Best.Website.Ever. (even better than Facebook - and that's HUGE coming from me!)

If you are on it, wahooooooo.

If you're not on it, let me know and I'll send you an invite.

I have spent hours upon hours pouring over this site: finding new recipes, getting inspiration for home decor and fashion, and discovering activities, crafts, "lessons," etc. to do with the kids. And that's just the tip of the iceberg... It is unbelievable the number of things that people have thought of, created, etc.

I am making it my mission this year to be inspired from the things I've found on Pinterest. Here are a few ways in which I've already changed:
  • It has triggered a desire to challenge myself in the kitchen - both with cooking and baking. I must say, I've added some really tasty AND healthy foods to my repertoire.
  • I've learned to crochet. I'm still on small projects, think baby hats and scarfs, but I aspire to make cute stuffed animals, headbands, sweaters, and at least one blanket (for Dan). (And I want to learn to sew after we settle into life as a family of five.)
  • I'm becoming a DIY'er. Meaning I've found some crafty projects for myself, like covering the wipes containers with fabric so they match the boys' bedrooms or making a book for Jack with all of his body parts.
  • I'm taking to heart the wisdom of quotes/articles/blogs I've read, and I'm finding humor in the funny things people post.
  • I'm channeling the inner-teacher in me and having themed learning days every few weeks with the kids. Our special days are centered around a theme (so far, we've had Dr. Seuss Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter Day -- hoping to do one more, unsure on the theme, before Henry is born!); everything from the books we read to the food we eat to the activities & crafts we do is inspired by the topic of the day. It's been great fun!

If you look at my 42 Boards (filled with 939 pins at the present time), you will see the way in which I utilize, consult, and am inspired by the Best.Website.Ever. (sorry had to emphasize that again!) Ciao.