We had a lovely time our last few days in North Carolina. We stayed in Greensboro with Dan, Maureen, and Maddie :) It was great to finally see Dan & Maureen's house. They have done a ton of work on the house, and it looks fabulous! On Friday night, we went to dinner at a pub in downtown Greensboro then went back to the house for some ice cream and TV (yea, for Grey's Anatomy-Private Practice crossover event! Although Dan, Maureen, and Dan would say yea for Battlestar Galactica, nerds). On Saturday, we spent most of the day in Durham at Andy & Cathy's house. Natalie, our niece, was baptized Saturday evening. There was a gathering at Andy & Cathy's house afterwards. Andy made a chicken chili that had just the right amount of kick to it. We spent more time in Durham on Sunday. We ended our time in NC with a dinner at Cracker Barrel, shakes from Cookout, and the Oscars. It was really nice to be able to spend so much quality time with all of Dan's family because it's not often that the 11 of us are able to be together! Here are some pictures... Enjoy!

Alexa with her Uncle Dan. Alexa & Me in Durham.

Alexa with her Uncle Andy. Alexa and her cousin, Natalie.

Alexa & Natalie in their Bumbos. Alexa sleeping in my arms at Mass.

Natalie being baptized.

Natalie being baptized. Alexa eating during Mass.

Us with Dan's parents, siblings & significant others, and nephew & niece.

Our family dressed up :) Alexa getting a bath.

Natalie getting a bath. Dan and Maureen on David's choo-choo train.

Dan 'working' with our nephew, David. Natalie & Alexa napping.

Alexa with her Auntie Cathy. Kick, kick, kick - Alexa loved this thing!

Dressed up like a ladybug with Daddy :) Natalie & Alexa in their matching bunny hats.

The girls with their BFFs - their pacies. Alexa with her Auntie Maureen.
1 comment:
She is getting so big and more beautiful everyday! Love and miss you. xx
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