Just a cute video of Alexa with her Bear blankie.
I feel like I start many posts apologizing for being MIA for so long - however, anyone who has ever had a kid knows that the baby keeps you busy all day and by the time she goes to bed you're exhausted. So I'm guessing no apology is necessary...
Anyways, it has been another busy week!! On Monday, Dan wasn't feeling well so he didn't go to work. By the end of the day he was feeling much better, and in fact, brewed his first batch of beer! He promises to post later about the whole brew thing!!! Alexa and I went to our usual Babytime on Tuesday, which is always a lot of fun. Ms. Allison, the librarian, is thrilled that I started to bring Alexa at such a young age! And she always comes and blows Alexa an extra round of bubbles during "Bubbles in the Air." Wednesday evenings I teach 5th grade PSR (Parish School of Religion). Our lesson was really interesting! We toured the sacristy and got to hold many of the items used during Mass. I also found out that next year I will be teaching 2nd grade - which means FIRST COMMUNION! I'm super excited about this, as 2nd graders are my FAVORITE of school-aged children and First Communion is a huge deal in the Catholic Church :) On Thursday, Alexa and I picked up her pictures at Target. If you click here and type "nicole ritchey" in the guest name, you can see the fabulous 3 month photos! After we picked up the pictures we ordered, we went to have lunch with Daddy at work :) As usual it was a nice time. Lots of Dan's coworkers walk over, visit with us and tell us how pretty she is - I love hearing that. There was just a minor glitch to this visit... as we were getting ready to leave Alexa pooped. And when I say pooped, I mean through all of her clothes. She needed to be changed, and naturally she screamed her head off [much to my embarrassment] as Dan's coworkers were on conference calls. Nice. On Friday, Alexa and I went to Pei Wei and ran errands with Becky. We had a nice afternoon with her too, until Alexa pooped [again] through her clothes! I mean, come on, Alexa! This time she needed a bath because it was halfway up her back. I think I am beginning to pay someone's salary at Shout, lol. Well, I've learned my lesson though - Alexa's ready for size 2 diapers! On Saturday, we had a bit of a lazy morning in bed then ran to the grocery store and the beer brewing store. In the evening Pat and Becky came over for dinner, and we played Sequence. This morning we went to church, and this afternoon Alexa and I are going to Sarah's (Dan's cousin's wife) baby shower. Can't wait to see all of the Ritcheys!
In developmental news: Alexa continues to amaze us every day! After discovering her 'fun hands' (I've been trying to use lots of adjectives to describe things for Alexa so she'll have an extensive vocabulary) over the past few weeks, Dan suggested we see if she would like the Bear blankie that Auntie Danielle bought her when she was born. As you can see in the photo and video above, she really loves it and does a great job of grabbing onto it! We've also gotten other things out (like the linking rings) that she loves to hold on to and explore with her mouth. The slobber is gross [in my opinion], but Alexa doesn't seem to mind. She also enjoys reaching up with her left hand and stroking her 'soft hair.' Too cute. Our favorite thing is to try and get her to smile at us or stick her tongue out. She does a great job mimicing both things. Also, she used to get extremely frustrated during Tummy time, but yesterday she did it for 15 minutes without crying!!! She is doing such a great job of holding her head up :) Alexa is also getting really good at tracking. When Dan and I walk around the room we call her name out until she turns to look for us, which usually doesn't take long at all. Okay, I'll stop bragging about my brilliant baby and just say that I'm thankful to be with her 24/7 so that I don't miss any of these moments because they are priceless.
Finally, before I sign off I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your care and concern for me. I know many of my posts have been a little on the depressing side. It really is just very hard to be away from my family. I'm homesick, it's true, but I am trying hard to mask those feelings so that Alexa doesn't sense it. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for the love and prayers - they mean a lot!
Anyways, it has been another busy week!! On Monday, Dan wasn't feeling well so he didn't go to work. By the end of the day he was feeling much better, and in fact, brewed his first batch of beer! He promises to post later about the whole brew thing!!! Alexa and I went to our usual Babytime on Tuesday, which is always a lot of fun. Ms. Allison, the librarian, is thrilled that I started to bring Alexa at such a young age! And she always comes and blows Alexa an extra round of bubbles during "Bubbles in the Air." Wednesday evenings I teach 5th grade PSR (Parish School of Religion). Our lesson was really interesting! We toured the sacristy and got to hold many of the items used during Mass. I also found out that next year I will be teaching 2nd grade - which means FIRST COMMUNION! I'm super excited about this, as 2nd graders are my FAVORITE of school-aged children and First Communion is a huge deal in the Catholic Church :) On Thursday, Alexa and I picked up her pictures at Target. If you click here and type "nicole ritchey" in the guest name, you can see the fabulous 3 month photos! After we picked up the pictures we ordered, we went to have lunch with Daddy at work :) As usual it was a nice time. Lots of Dan's coworkers walk over, visit with us and tell us how pretty she is - I love hearing that. There was just a minor glitch to this visit... as we were getting ready to leave Alexa pooped. And when I say pooped, I mean through all of her clothes. She needed to be changed, and naturally she screamed her head off [much to my embarrassment] as Dan's coworkers were on conference calls. Nice. On Friday, Alexa and I went to Pei Wei and ran errands with Becky. We had a nice afternoon with her too, until Alexa pooped [again] through her clothes! I mean, come on, Alexa! This time she needed a bath because it was halfway up her back. I think I am beginning to pay someone's salary at Shout, lol. Well, I've learned my lesson though - Alexa's ready for size 2 diapers! On Saturday, we had a bit of a lazy morning in bed then ran to the grocery store and the beer brewing store. In the evening Pat and Becky came over for dinner, and we played Sequence. This morning we went to church, and this afternoon Alexa and I are going to Sarah's (Dan's cousin's wife) baby shower. Can't wait to see all of the Ritcheys!
In developmental news: Alexa continues to amaze us every day! After discovering her 'fun hands' (I've been trying to use lots of adjectives to describe things for Alexa so she'll have an extensive vocabulary) over the past few weeks, Dan suggested we see if she would like the Bear blankie that Auntie Danielle bought her when she was born. As you can see in the photo and video above, she really loves it and does a great job of grabbing onto it! We've also gotten other things out (like the linking rings) that she loves to hold on to and explore with her mouth. The slobber is gross [in my opinion], but Alexa doesn't seem to mind. She also enjoys reaching up with her left hand and stroking her 'soft hair.' Too cute. Our favorite thing is to try and get her to smile at us or stick her tongue out. She does a great job mimicing both things. Also, she used to get extremely frustrated during Tummy time, but yesterday she did it for 15 minutes without crying!!! She is doing such a great job of holding her head up :) Alexa is also getting really good at tracking. When Dan and I walk around the room we call her name out until she turns to look for us, which usually doesn't take long at all. Okay, I'll stop bragging about my brilliant baby and just say that I'm thankful to be with her 24/7 so that I don't miss any of these moments because they are priceless.
Finally, before I sign off I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your care and concern for me. I know many of my posts have been a little on the depressing side. It really is just very hard to be away from my family. I'm homesick, it's true, but I am trying hard to mask those feelings so that Alexa doesn't sense it. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for the love and prayers - they mean a lot!
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