Monday, June 29, 2009

Noni Visits & Our Beautiful Yard!

Last Monday we had a pool day with Aunt Susan, Nick, & Kate. Alexa was lathered up in sunscreen but still managed to get a little pink. I burned my back, but it was a tan by Tuesday morning. We had a really great time playing in the big pool and watching Nick & Kate play on the water playground :-) It's definitely something we want to do again soon!

Noni came to town on Monday night, so first thing Tuesday morning she touched up Alexa's toe nails (the paint had come off all but her two big toes, lol). Dixie and Chloe shared the dog bowl for their meals :-)

After morning nap, we took Noni to Babytime with us. Noni did all of the lap-sit rhymes with Alexa. Afterward, they went up to pet Ralf the stuffed dog who "helps" Ms. Allison (in the orange), our librarian. From the library, we went shopping and ran tons of errands. Alexa sat in a shopping cart for the first time at Target.

After dinner on Tuesday night we took Naked Alexa (on the left) out to the pool. Daddy and Noni thought it would be hilarious to mess up Alexa's hair :)~ On Wednesday we did LOADS of yard work - we trimmed and cleaned up all of the bushes, as well as mulched the front and side of the house, and my mom mowed part of the yard. After sweating a ton, us three girls got in the pool (the right picture).

For dinner we had Noni & Daddy's favorite - Pei Wei (a division of PF Chang's). Alexa sat in a high chair for the first time at a restaurant! Doesn't she look happy to be with her Noni? We were all so happy that she came to visit!

On our drive home we stopped by the park so Noni could see how much Alexa loves to swing!

Here is the video of her swinging on Wednesday.

On Thursday, Alexa and I followed my mom back up to Perry to do a little garage sale-ing and to see my dad, brother, and grandmother (Danielle was a counselor at 4-H camp all last week). Alexa played with Papa on Thursday evening when he got home from work and again on Friday morning before he left for work. Alexa, Mommy, Noni, JaJa, and Gram had lunch at Applebee's on Friday. Silly JaJa always thinks Alexa wants to wear his [semi-gross] hats.

Alexa's wondering what drink she should order, haha. Gram giving Alexa kisses!

We drove back to Dublin on Friday afternoon. It was a long, tiring drive because Alexa was fussy. I had to stop several times to feed her, change her diaper, and just hold her. I think she was sick of being in the car. Daddy thought she might be ready for the walker (our exersaucer turns into a walker), but he was wrong. Alexa tried watermelon on Friday morning in Perry, and my mom sent some home with us so that Daddy could see her eat it (on the right she is eating some with breakfast on Saturday morning).

Our community (subdivision) had a garage sale on Saturday. We drove around for over an hour, and I cannot even tell you how many sales we stopped at! Afterward, Alexa and Daddy went to a "Daddy & Me" storytime while I went to a Flannelboard Making workshop at the library.

Most of our weekend was spent working on the yard. Here are some photos of the finished work. We pulled out a lot of ugly or dead bushes and weeds and used 28 bags of mulch. We bought 3 ornamental grasses, 4 begonias, 4 new guinea impatiens, 1 zinnia profusion, and 2 phlox plants. I must say though, that our yard looks a-ma-zing! Just in time for our 4th of July cookout too :-)

As you can read, we had a FABULOUS week with my mom and a productive weekend. I weighed Alexa this morning (because I had tried it last week and it said 18 lbs which I thought might be inaccurate), and she weighed 16.8 lbs! She continues to love everything she eats besides green veggies. I'm working on creative ways to include it in her diet though. Yesterday, she had some baby banana yogurt and she LOVED it - I mean, I have never seen her open her mouth that wide and go crazy-eyed for food (other then to breastfeed). She did not have a negative reaction to it... so I don't think she has a lactose problem! YAY! I was worried about that since she didn't handle the regular formula. She continues to have soy formula during the day and breastfeed when she wakes up and before bed. I kept saying I was going to eliminate the bedtime nursing session when she turned 8 months (which was this past Saturday), but I haven't done it. I'm kind of sad about this all coming to an end...

Well, we surprisingly don't have too many plans this week - lunch today with Dan, a visit from Aunty Kat's mum (yes, Kat calls her "mum") on Wednesday, a pedicure on Friday, and then just preparing for our 2nd Annual Cookout. Andy & Cathy are coming with the kids this weekend, so we will see them for our party on Saturday and we'll go out to Pataskala on Sunday to see them again. Maybe Natalie will teach Alexa a thing (or two) about crawling! :-)

I'm really looking forward to the month of July - Alexa and I will be in Perry for at least 13 days! We are leaving next Monday for a week "home" :-) Dan will join us on Friday, and Tiffanie & Ben are coming up on Saturday. The 3 of us will also be headed north for a long weekend when Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dave come up from NC towards the end of the month. I know my mom (and maybe my sister) may come spend a day or two with us too. I'm so glad that even though my family is 2.5 hours away, Alexa gets to spend so much time with all of them! In fact, it was so cute... when she first saw Gram last Thursday, she leaned out of my arms to have Gram hold her :-) I can already see a strong bond forming between all of them, and it warms my heart. I know that once we live closer to them (sometime in the next two years hopefully) that Alexa and any other children we have will have a relationship with my parents like the one I had with my Papa & Gram. They were/are two of the most influential people in my life. I miss Papa every single day. He was an amazing man, and I know that he would have just adored Alexa. She would have been enamored with him too, like anyone else who knew him :-)

Well, enough of this novel already! I've gotta get our picnic packed while Alexa is still napping - yes she's napping late because the last three mornings she has slept in until 7:30 - 7:45 am. We like that! Hope you all have a great last few days of June!!! Ciao.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Dan!

Alexa loves to "make music" on her drums, a keyboard/piano, or even the table will do. Here is our musician-in-training.

On Friday, Mommy and Alexa created a unique gift for Daddy for Father's Day ... a stepping stone with Alexa's footprints! I plan to make stepping stone with all of our children's footprints every five years so that eventually we'll have a little walkway :-)

These two pics make it look like it was effortless to get her footprints. Pictures lie. It took FOREVER!

Once her "hard work" was done, Alexa chilled out and stuffed her face while I decorated the stone. Here it is before we hid it on Friday afternoon.

So Alexa had just finished eating (it was bedtime) when she got this goofy grin on her face (this was Friday night). I decided to start making faces at her, and much to our amusement she started laughing, like really hard core laughing. It was hysterical. It was also the best sound I've ever heard in my life, with "Mama" being a very close second. This laugh far outshines her baby giggles :-)

Daddy trying to get Alexa to crawl on Saturday afternoon. She is sooooo close!

Alexa woke up at 6:30 am, but we let Daddy sleep until 7:45 am. We woke him up to give him his presents! First was a card (on the left) that Alexa signed (with my help) :-) Underneath the card was the poem (on the right) with the stepping stone. The beginning of the poem I found online, but I didn't like how it ended so I wrote the last two stanzas.

Daddy and Alexa with the stepping stone. Daddy reading Alexa the book she got him: "I Love My Daddy Because..." by Laurel Porter Gaylord.

Daddy's BIG gift was a Craftsmen Table Saw :-) His first project... a toy box for Alexa Rose! After opening gifts, Alexa and I made him breakfast: eggs, corned beef hash, blueberry muffins, and coffee.

We decided to walk to the park in the center of our development for a picnic and play time. Alexa ate some sweet corn casserole, a squash & apple combo, and some Cheerios. She is our little oinker, lol.

Alexa is so proud that she can hold her own bottle. She can even do it one-handed! Alexa & Daddy ready to go play (now that they filled their tummies). We ate sandwiches, bananas, yogurt, chips, and loads of water (it was freaking hot out!).

First, let's cool the kid off at the broken water fountain :-) Daddy & Alexa swinging.

Mommy & Alexa swinging. Alexa & Daddy on the top of the playground.

Weeeeeeee, they came down the twisty slide! Then, it was Mommy's turn to walk through the playground with baby Alexa.

Here we are going down a slide. This slide was hot hot hot on my bottom - I made sure Alexa didn't touch it!

Dan was a bit nervous to put Alexa in the "toddler swing," but we did it anyway... she LOVED it!!! Alexa just leaned back and waited to fly through the air. The three of us (yes, in our matching green) before we trekked back home for Alexa's afternoon nap.

Here's a video of her laughing and enjoying the swing.

We ended Dan's 1st Father's Day celebration with dinner at Longhorn with his parents. Alexa entertained her grandparents, as usual, with her "personality" :-) I guess they've been telling friends and co-workers that Alexa has quite the personality, lol.

We had a really great family day!!! Tomorrow Alexa and I are headed to the pool to spend some time with Susan, Nick, and Kate. Then, Tuesday my mom will be here - yay!!!!!!!! You know as I reread the post (to make sure it all made sense before publishing it), I realized I say Alexa loves things a lot. The truth of the matter is the girl is usually easy to please and enjoys everything! We are so blessed to have such a happy baby :-) Speaking of being blessed... Alexa, Chloe, and I are blessed to have Dan. Happy Father's Day, sweetie! Ciao.