Alexa & Daddy and Mommy & Alexa at Tim's Graduation Party.
My best girls in the backyard.
Alexa playing with Grandma and swinging.
Playing corn hole. Becky was amazing - she got like 3 or 4 in the hole!
Pat & Dan throwing.
Alexa looking at Grandpa and playing on a blanket.
The face she is making when eating the rattle is her "signature face." She makes it ALL the time! Chloe laying in the flower bed, which Dan constantly scolds her for doing ;-)
Grandma fed Alexa some yummy Banana Apple Pear food. Alexa looks greasy from the sunscreen.
Learning to High Five with Grandpa. Reading a bedtime story.
We had a busy, yet relaxing weekend here in Columbus. On Friday night, we joined some friends for a cookout at Tim's condo to celebrate his graduation!! We took Alexa's pack-n-play, and put her to bed for a few hours so we could hangout. It was really great to relax with everyone, and we are so proud of Tim :-) Yay! Now, if Dan could just graduate we'd be onto something ;-) Dan is taking two classes right now, and I think he is a year and a half away from graduating. To be honest, I'm hoping that during the duration of Dan's education the economy improves enough so that once he has that "sheet of paper," we can sell our house and he can find a job elsewhere. Like I told Dan this weekend, just because I don't cry about it every day or mention it every day, I still want to move closer to my family asap.
This weekend started a new trend in Alexa's sleep schedule... she slept until 7:40 am on Saturday, 8:10 am on Sunday, and 8:00 am today! It is A-MA-ZING!!! During Alexa's 2.5 hour morning nap on Saturday, Dan did some yard work, and I did some stuff around the house. We had "a scare" when we realized a gate had opened and Chloe was MIA without her collar! Thankfully, the pooch didn't wander far, and we showered her with love for staying close by! In the afternoon we went shopping. We hit up Bed Bath & Beyond, Carter's, Babies R Us, Old Navy, and Target! We were exhausted after all of that shopping (even though we didn't get everything we were looking for)! Since I didn't feel like cooking, we swung by Grinder's and came home. We spent a quiet evening at home and cuddled on the couch for movie night :-)
After enjoying the second morning of sleeping in, we went to church on Sunday morning. After church, Alexa took her morning nap, Dan did some homework, and I went grocery shopping. It was so nice to get in-and-out of the stores quickly without having to lug Alexa around! I mean, I enjoy shopping with her, but it was nice to shop without her too ;-) In the afternoon, Dan's parents came over to grill out with us. We had some "appetizers" (i.e. cheese, crackers, veggies, and dip), a few beers, and hung out in the backyard. We played with Alexa, and let her swing while watching us play corn hole. Dan and I lost to Becky (because truthfully Pat only scored 1 or 2 of their points, lol). After Alexa ate, we grilled burgers and had macaroni salad and baked beans. While we ate, we got to watch a slideshow of their pics from Ireland. The country is beautiful, so green! Alexa had a nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa and is happy that they made it home safe & sound from Ireland!
Well, I'm gonna try to make the most of what's left of Alexa's morning nap today - considering I spent a portion of it writing this blog and another portion on the phone with Time Warner (I'm having Facebook issues, ugh!), I better get to it quickly!!! Hope y'all have a great week. Ciao.
1 comment:
Thanks for typing the captions above the photos. I like them much better that way.
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