Our week has been off to a more laissez-faire start. Alexa and I have been doing plenty of playing outside! She loves this beautiful weather :-) Yesterday, we even took a 2-mile walk/jog. I walked the initial mile and intervelled walking and jogging a little bit on the return mile home. Who knows, maybe if I can keep it up, I'll be able to jog by the end of summer! I've been looking for a used elliptical online the past month or so. I don't really want to get a typical residential one, so I'm waiting for a "steal" on a Precor commercial model. Hopefully, I find one soon! Using an elliptical is the only exercise I have ever actually enjoyed. This week is also the start of Alexa's introduction to my new schedule for her. In an ideal world it will go like so:
7:30 am - Wake up and breastfeed
9:00 am - Eat solids
9:30 am - Nap
10:30 am - Wake up
11:30 am - Eat solids and have a bottle
1:00 pm - Nap
3:30 pm - Wake up and have a bottle
5:00 pm - Eat solids and have a bottle
7:00 pm - Bath time
7:15 pm - Breastfeed
7:30 pm - Go to bed
She typically has been having a long morning nap and a short afternoon nap, so the main schedule change is switching those two naps around. I wanted to do that because her long morning nap interferes with Babytime (which resumes next week finally!) and swim lessons (which I plan on starting in July). I'm also a teeny bit selfish and would enjoy a few hours in the sun in the afternoon without Alexa :-) I'll keep y'all posted on how our schedule change is going.
This afternoon we are meeting Becky, Dan, & Grandma Ritchey for lunch at Windchimes. According to Grandma, they have the best Wor Su Gui ever. Tomorrow we are going to spend some time with my friend, Wendee, and her son, Kiran. I'm really looking forward to that because I haven't seen Wendee in forever, and I haven't even met Kiran yet! Tomorrow night, Dan and I are attending a fundraiser for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, an organization that our friends Nick & Angie are very involved with. Finally, the best part of this week is Friday because Friday means PERRY!!! I got a text last night from Danielle telling us to meet them (her and Paul) down at the lake... JET SKIIS HERE WE COME!!!!!!! I'm super excited because Dan took the day off of work, so as soon as he is done with his midterm we are headed north :-)
Alexa is such a joy! She is beginning to really love tummy time, and she LOVES her exersaucer!
She plays so much. It is so cool to watch her interacting with the things around her.
At the Sunny 95 cookout with Daddy.
Showing Kelbel how she can clap (she loves doing it, especially if you say "Yay, Alexa!").
She is finally learning to actually jump in the jumper, and she loves looking at books.
Auntie Maureen fed Alexa her bottle, then they went outside to play!
Alexa with Uncle Dan and dressed all pretty for the baptism.
Everyone tells us that purple (and green) are "her colors."
Four generations of Ritchey's:
Grandma - Pat & Brian - Erin, Dan, and Laura - Aidan, Addison, Alexa, and Nathan
Alexa & Mommy going for a swim...
Alexa got to go down the slide.
She wasn't happy the whole time, but especially after she fell backwards and dunked herself (aftermath is pic on right).
Alexa with Uncle Dan and Auntie Maureen.
Our new corn hole recruits :)~
Auntie Maureen fed Alexa some pears and mixed veggies (which Alexa hated and refused to eat, I think because they were thicker constancy). Right now Alexa LOVES banging on anything that is in front of her, so I gave her a wooden spoon and some pan lids to test out (movie below).
She's really getting the hang of self-feeding with the Gerber Puffs.
Daddy has been teaching Alexa how to push off her feet to stand!
Princess and Queen cuddled up :-)
Alexa playing in her exersaucer. She knows how to push Zoey & Big Bird down, turn the pages of the book, spin the little knobs, and turn on Elmo & Cookie monster to sing.
"Yay, Alexa!"
"Bang, bang, bang, on the door baby..."
Giggling with Daddy.
That's all for now. Will definitely post after our trip to Perry :-) Ciao.
Your blog is awesome. The pictures are cute, the videos are precious but it really doesn't compare to actually being with you. Can't wait for this weekend! Love you all!
Wow, you are busy people. The pics were good but the videos were awesome. I love to see Alexa "doing" stuff. She is so precious. You are a good Mom, Nikki. Thanks for keeping us posted. Love, Aunt Janine
Her balance is amazing! I love watching her reach out to get the wooden spoon!
She is such a happy princess! Can't wait to see her and the future baby Ritchey's on this blog. Thank you for the frequent updates... it lets us who are not next door see her grow. So proud of you and Dan- Alexa is incredible! xx
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