Well, we've been BUSY BUSY BUSY since my last posting! We went to lunch and shopping with Stephanie at Easton last Wednesday. Last Thursday morning, Alexa and I met my friend, Sarah, and her two sons, Daniel and Joseph, at the Columbus Zoo. We walked around North America and Africa - it was a lot of fun! Daniel talked my ear off :) I hadn't realized how much I miss being around children that ask lots of questions and can carry on a conversation - I cannot wait until Alexa reaches that stage! One of my favorite exhibits was the tiger. You are only separated from it by a piece of glass, that is maybe 2" thick!
Here's Alexa posing with the tiger statue (Sarah has one of the boys each summer with it so she can see how much they grow... so I figured I should do that too, lol). Alexa & Mommy watching the elephants.
The best shot I got of the baby elephant was its butt - sorry! Alexa LOVED the aquarium!!!
After walking around for almost 3 hours, Alexa was exhausted!!! She fell asleep in the stroller walking back to the car. Then, we went and had lunch with my friend, Jess, and did a little shopping at Once Upon A Child (a used baby/kids' stuff store). I've gotten in the habit of taking the camera in the bedroom when Alexa wakes up to try to capture her standing... lately though, we've only found her hanging out on her tummy.
Listen to Alexa say "book" it sounds more like "buk" with a very soft -k sound.
I'm reading Alexa her favorite part of her favorite story - watch how she smiles!
Look how great Alexa can turn the pages of a book - she's so smart!
Practicing how to pull herself up to stand (which she now does using our hands, the coffee table, her crib, etc.), and "walking."
A simple text message from Mom ("Wow...it is going to be a great jet skiing weekend! Love you!"), triggered a change of weekend plans --- we got to go to PERRY!!!! Here is Alexa on Friday night hanging out with Noni & Aunt Chris :)
On Saturday morning, Alexa hung out with Auntie and slid across the kitchen floor in her walker. Saturday was a rainy day - so we ran a few errands and stayed inside - so much for "great jet skiing" weather huh?
Alexa LOVES to hang out with JaJa in his bedroom cave :) Aunt Kelly came over for a visit before heading back to Kent.
The whole fam went out to dinner at Joey's (an Italian restaurant in Madison) on Saturday night. Alexa kept looking at the lady next to our table, so we figured we should ask her to take the photo, and of course Alexa turned away right when the shutter went off!
Alexa fell asleep on the car ride home from dinner, so I carefully took her outta her carseat and brought her inside. This is the first time in I don't know how long that she snuggled me, and I LOVED it! I didn't want to put her to bed :)~
Great jet skiing weather never came, but it was sunny & hot on Sunday so we went down to the lake anyway. It was really choppy being out on the skiis from the wind and other boats/skiis being out. We enjoyed our time in the water with Alexa though. It was the first time she enjoyed playing in a natural body of water :)
Auntie took Alexa out to play in the water too!
And so did Noni & Papa. Just a picture of our set-up when we spend the day at the beach (on the right).
Daddy & Alexa spend a good amount of time under the tent (although, Alexa is tanner than Daddy). Aunt Denise, cousin Angela, and Mom/Noni hanging out.
Playing in Lake Erie with Daddy & Mommy.
Playing in Lake Erie with Noni.
We returned to C-bus late on Sunday. It's always hard to say goodbye to the family, but I cherish the moments we do have with them. The 3 of us always have a great time when we are "home" (even Dan refers to Perry as "going home"). I'm so thankful that he has fit in so well with my family :) One day, when we are all living close together... I just can't imagine anything better!
Alexa is saying "What, Mom? I'm trying to play!" on Monday morning in her pink, ruffly, girly dress. For dinner on Monday, Alexa tried some black beans. She really liked them! We've continued to introduce her to self-feeding solids, and she does great with each of them. Alexa has tried black beans, green beans (she only sucked on 'em), fresh peach and plum, cantaloupe, pasta, carrots, etc. I love watching her independent face show triumph when she does something like "a big girl!" She is so proud of herself and so are we :)
Yesterday, we ran some errands (including going to a fresh produce market, yummy) and hung out with Tiffanie. We were finalizing plans for her Bachelorette Party #1 in Louisville this weekend!!! It'll be my first night away from Alexa... I'm sad about that, but also kind of looking forward to a break. I know she will have a ball with Daddy-Daughter Time :)
This morning we ran errands (notice a trend here?), and then did lots of playing at home (both indoors and out). I finally caught Alexa on camera standing in her crib after morning nap! Look - I got the piano from the garage sale to work! She loved playing it while standing on her own. Let me reiterate, she is Ms. Independent :)~ And look how dark her eyes are finally getting!!! It was the one thing I really wanted my baby to have, my deep brown eyes!
Well, that's all I've got for now. Hope you guys are having a great week - we are! For the inquiring minds, Dan and I worked out a resolution ourselves for his sister's wedding. We are all going to NC, but Dan will be attending all events (rehearsal dinner, breakfasts, pictures, reception) solo. Alexa and I will attend the ceremony only. This is a compromise that satisfies the two of us, and it allows us to still make the trip together (and get to see Auntie Kathy, Uncle Dave, Rox, John, Bella, & Jack beforehand). So that's it... I'm gonna enjoy the last few moments of Alexa's afternoon nap. Ciao.
I'm pretty sure Alexa is a genius you two! xxx
Wow! Alexa is growing up so quickly and I am grateful that you share so many videos and pics with us. One of these days we will take you up on your offer and come up for a day/night. That will be so nice. Keep enjoying your daughter and husband.
Love, Aunt Janine
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