Then in the afternoon Alexa had her 9-month check-up with Dr. Jacob. She weighed in at... drum roll please... 19 pounds 1 ounce, which puts her in the 55th percentile! She is 27.5 inches long (40th percentile) and her head circumference is 17.5 inches (55th percentile). Alexa is getting so big!!! Dr. Jacob was THRILLED with Alexa's "growth spurt." Here are a few photos of Alexa fascinated [as usual] with "the baby in the mirror" at the doctor's office :-) Too cute!
During the examination, Dr. Jacob kept exclaiming "how perfect" or "what a good girl." She even gave Alexa a big hug and face stroke :-) According to Dr. Jacob, Alexa's physical development is right on track. She was happy to hear that Alexa has started to crawl, that Alexa tries to pull herself up to stand, and that Alexa can support herself standing up. She had completely pulled herself up in this photo - do you like my new darker & shorter hair style?
In regards to intellectual development, Dr. Jacob said Alexa was "brilliant" and "advanced" (I knew it! Haha)!! When I told her Alexa's 4 words (Mama, Dada, Book, and Papa) and 2 pseudo-words (Hi and Bye), Dr. Jacob said that was very verbal for a child Alexa's age! She was impressed with how much Alexa loves books and that she can turn the pages :-) Dr. Jacob told her to "keep reading!" At one point during the exam, I was holding Alexa and the doctor gave her a tongue depressor to play with. Alexa released the stick and her eyes looked immediately to the floor. Dr. Jacob thought her cause-and-effect reasoning was advanced for her age too!!
She was pleased with Alexa's social development and personality too. Alexa does a good job of making eye contact, smiling and laughing, and waving (the open-close hand style and the beauty pageant style).
The only "issue" we discussed was how Alexa has been losing interest in the purees over the past several weeks. Dr. Jacob gave us the go-ahead to try more teeny-tiny cut solids - steamed carrots and broccoli, the inside of peaches and plums, some meats, and even pasta! I'll keep y'all posted on how this is going :-)
She felt Alexa's gums and said they are swollen, which means she is teething. Who knows when those things will finally break through... at least they aren't effecting her sleeping patterns or her personality. She has been sleeping in every morning until 7:35 - 8:00 am since we came back to Columbus (again Dr. Jacob said we are so lucky to have a baby that sleeps so well at night AND takes two great naps)!
By the way, I forgot to mention that while we were home last week, we had our last breastfeeding session :( :) I was having mixed emotions about it (and still semi-miss it). Although it is a relief to have my body for myself again!
Noni realized that the "Say cheese!" comment on her cell phone's camera always makes Alexa turn and smile - it also works if someone says it in a high-pitched voice. See how good it works?!
Here is our little crawler - motivation, cell phone.
I really challenged her to keep going further for this video!
Here are the highlights of Alexa's 9-month photo shoot yesterday at Portrait Innovations. The photographer took 88 photos total, and I narrowed it down to these...
The one on the left has a pale gray vignette border on the printed product.

The right photo was my FAVORITE :-)

The one on the left is zoomed in more for the printed product (so you see less of me).

Isn't this one darling??

I only ordered this one in a 10x13 for the symbolism of Alexa ROSE :-)

This trio is on a 10x13 collage. The left picture is zoomed in and big on the left, the middle picture is on the bottom right, and the right picture is on the top right - the collage has a pale pink background.

After our photo shoot, Alexa and I went with Tiffanie to try on bridesmaid dresses. It was a lot of fun! The three of us had an uneventful Friday evening but made plans to fill our weekend. This evening, Grandma and Grandpa are coming over for dinner and, more importantly, to see our lil star crawl :-) Tomorrow afternoon we are meeting the Sip Family at the Ohio State Fair! Swiss fried cheese sticks are calling my name... Ciao.

1 comment:
Look at her go! I am sooo proud of my little cuz, I can't imagine how exciting it is for you guys! What an incredible milestone! What great comments from her doctor. She is awesome! Hello to Alexa, you are kicking butt and taking names.
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