Dan and Alexa got me a cake decorating kit and turn-table thing so that I can FINALLY take classes! I think I'm going to take them in December :) Oh, the other thing we did on my birthday (since it is exactly a week after Alexa's) is pick-up the hand print plate we made at Marcy's Clayground. Isn't it cute? It is now front-and-center in our china hutch. And yes we did vote on my birthday too - thank goodness Worthington City Schools finally passed their school levy! Although our children won't go to WCS (because we will definitely be moved from the Columbus area before our children are school-aged), I feel it is EXTREMELY important to pass school levies!!
Alexa's a big girl now... we turned her car seat to forward-facing! She thinks she is so cool, and I think it is great to see her face in my rearview mirror.
This past Saturday we had Alexa's second 1st birthday party in Dublin. Here is Alexa with Dan's little cousin, Nick. She really enjoyed playing with all the kids - Dylen, Nick, Kate, Kiran, and Leylynn. And they really liked her Playroom! Here is Daddy feeding Alexa dinner. I made baked chicken, cottaged potatoes, green bean casserole, and garlic bread.
All the kids eating dinner - I told them they could not have cake and ice cream until they ate dinner, lol. I did not take any pictures of the cake because it was not pretty (although it tasted really good); like I told my girlfriends, "This is the reason I need to take cake decorating class. Haha." Hopefully by Dan's birthday I'll be able to make and decorate an amazing cake!
Alexa enjoying her cake and ice cream. Mommy & Alexa opening presents - here is a Talking Farm from Sean & Stephanie (and as Sean proudly pointed out, "If you turn the button it talks in Spanish too").
More gifts... Dylen, Leylynn, & Kiran helped me open bags and and unwrap boxes.
Alexa got a ton of great gifts - more Mega Bloks, cardboard building blocks, books, stuffed animals, gift cards, a Doodle Pro, a classic Chatter Telephone, a wobble penguin, puzzles, a Vtech laptop, a puppet, and clothes. Thanks to all of our AMAZING friends and the few members of the Ritchey family who came to celebrate with us!
Alexa woke up on Monday morning COVERED in spots. I was so concerned that I made an appointment at the pediatrician's office. Alexa's doctor was not there, but Dr. Sheetz (whom we saw when Alexa had an ear infection back in October) was able to fit us in at 9:15 am. Come to find out that Alexa is one of the 5% of children that have a reaction to the weakened measles virus in her MMR shot. So the past few days she has been our "speckled frog" (is what I'm calling her)... she's been irritable, had a fever, etc. The only good news was that she is NOT contagious. We had plans to go visit Sharon & her family so I was so thankful that Alexa was safe to be around the newborn baby.
Here is R.J. (Sharon's 2-year old son) playing in his basement Playroom. He did a great job of sharing his toys (particularly his trucks and fishing lures) with Alexa! Also, here is Alexa playing.
Me holding baby Ardynn Michelle Soika :) I was so happy to meet my BFF's beautiful baby girl! Alexa and I had a FABULOUS time visiting the Soika Family. I was really sad when I left for our 2-hour drive back to Columbus because I wish that Sharon and I lived closer together!! I know that if we did, we would get our kiddos together all the time, and we would get to spend loads of time chatting :)~ Alexa and R.J. got along so well - he would lay on her, and she would give him open-mouthed kisses... it was too cute. Alexa was not too interested in Ardynn (because she had R.J. to watch), but she was not jealous of me holding her (which is a good thing because we wanna start trying for Baby #2 pretty soon!).
I think I mentioned it before, but my parents bought us a dining room set. They brought it down a few weeks ago (I'll blog about their visit, as well as Aunt Janine & Uncle Ken's visit) in my next blog post (which will hopefully be tomorrow). Anyway, here is our beautiful Thomasville maple dining room set. I have it all decorated for Thanksgiving (even though we will be "home" in Perry for the holiday weekend). All of our friends really liked it when they were here for Alexa's birthday party :)
See A's plate in the hutch?
Up-close of the harvest-themed table. The upholstery perfectly matches our curtains!
Alright, well I want to veg out on the couch with Dan for the remainder of the evening... between working on the Playroom, homework, visitors, birthday parties, etc. I have not felt like I could lay on the couch and do nothing in SO LONG, so tonight that changes! Ciao.
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