On October 29th, we went to see Dr. Jacob (Alexa's pediatrician) for Alexa's 1-year well check appointment. She weighed in at 21 lbs 10 oz and was 27.5 in tall! That means that in one year of life, Alexa gained 14 lbs 5.5 oz - isn't that crazy? Dr. Jacob was delighted with all of Alexa's talking. She did some showing off by saying, "Chl goo gr" and by barking, haha. When I told Dr. Jacob other words that Alexa says and what activities she likes to do at home (the shape sorter, taking lids on and off, etc.), she said "She's brilliant!" Alexa's speech development (and intellectual development in general) are above-average. Now, her physical development is average. We've been trying to work with her on walking this week, but she is not getting much better. Maybe being motivated by other people (Noni, Papa, JaJa, and Auntie) this weekend will help Alexa out! Other things we discussed at her well check appointment were the transition to whole milk, eliminating bottles, and the pacifier. The doctor was pleased to hear that earlier that week, when I had introduced milk, I had done it exclusively in a sippy cup and packed the bottles away. She also warned me that although it's great that Alexa only uses the pacifier at nap & bedtime, we need to take it away between 14 - 15 months. So after the New Year, we will take Alexa's pacifier away. At the end of the appointment Alexa received five vaccinations. She was incredibly upset when we left, but she fell asleep in the car on the way home.
We had a full house the last weekend of October, and it was great!! A few hours after we got home from the pediatrician's office, Aunt Janine and Uncle Ken arrived! We enjoyed a nice dinner together and got to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters :) We had over 15 children this year, which is the most we've had in the three years that we've lived here. We're gonna try to convince Aunt Janine & Uncle Ken to come back next year for Trick-or-Treat night to pass out candy (Aunt Janine says she'll dress up) while we are out with Alexa :)
Aunt Janine & Uncle Ken woke up early with Alexa and let us sleep in for a bit on Friday morning :) Alexa really enjoyed playing with both of them!! During the day on Friday, us girls went shopping. It was during this trip that Aunt Janine discovered something our little daredevil loved - being spun in the shopping cart :) This is my new "trick" to use whenever Alexa is unhappy while we are out and about!
By Friday night, Alexa was super attached to Uncle Ken - she wouldn't even let me hold her! He was sweating so bad that he had to take routine breaks outside just to cool off. Here she is in her Halloween costume - A.R.R., the pirate :) See how mad she was when she had to sit with Daddy & Mommy for a picture? All she wanted was Uncle Ken!
Dan and I went to a Halloween Party at our friends, Nick & Angie's house. THANK YOU, Aunt Janine and Uncle Ken, for babysitting so that we could have a night out with our friends! Also, thanks for loaning us the Tavern Man and Beer Wench costumes.
Alexa was totally fascinated with Aunt Janine's notorious Indians mug. She learned how to drink from a straw!
Here is Alexa (whom Noni woke up) when Noni and Papa arrived on Friday night, and Alexa showing Noni how she can drink from a straw!
Alexa with Mommy & Daddy and then with Papa & Noni once George the gorilla was moved into the basement.
Look how big George is compared to Alexa! She now says something that resembles gorilla and will give George kisses :)
After a busy Saturday of unloading the new dining room furniture and setting it up, watching the Buckeyes, going to the grocery store, etc. We ended the day by celebrating my birthday. Everyone surprised me with an ice cream cake, which Alexa loved!
Haha, I love when Alexa does her fake smile for pictures.
Playing downstairs after we got home from Mass and breakfast on Sunday morning.
Right before Aunt Janine & Uncle Ken left.
One last sip from Aunt Janine's mug before she leaves :)~
Time to carve the HUGE pumpkin that Noni & Papa grew for Alexa :)
Like how we are all dressed in our Brownie gear??
Showing Noni & Papa how cute Alexa looked in her costume - Us sitting at our new dining room table, THANKS MOM & DAD!!!
When Noni & Papa left, Alexa took her nap while I did homework and Dan worked on leaves. When she woke up, I took her outside to play in the leaves. She loved it!
We had a WONDERFUL weekend with our full house!! It is always so nice to spend time with my family :) We are leaving in a few hours for another fun-filled family weekend in Perry!! Yay! Have a great weekend, everyone. Ciao.
Love the pictures of Alexa playing in the leaves. It reminds me of when my kids were little. Cute pirate costume too!
Wow, you had a lot to say this posting. I am so glad we were able to come to Dublin for a few days. Even though we only planned to stay one night it was great that you convinced us to stay three nights. We had so much fun with everyone. Love, Aunt Janine
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