Thanks Stride Rite for the buy one, get one 50% sale that made Noni think/say (and I quote), "How would you feel if you had to wear the same pair of shoes every single day?" Noni loves shoes, and she is teaching her granddaughter that obsession at 16-months old. Alexa is now rocking the two awesome shoes below...
During Alexa's nap on Saturday, Dan and I went to test drive some minivans. I drove while Dan rode in the backseat of each vehicle. We looked at the Toyota Sienna, Honda Odyssey, and Chrysler Town & Country. There is no comparison... the Honda Odyssey is AWESOME!!! I can say with 95% certainty it is what we will get. Now it is just a matter of either finding a used one with low miles (and that meets my other "requirements") or negotiating a good enough deal with the salesperson to get a brand new one. Through discussion with the salesperson, I realized I know his twin nieces so he considers us "family friends" and said he wants to get us a great deal (used or new)!! :) I spoke with him again this afternoon and plan to sit down & talk numbers next weekend when we are home again. We'll keep you posted!
Here are Noni and Alexa washing apples (and pretend eating them) on Sunday afternoon.
Daddy and Alexa hanging out while Mommy is at class on Monday night.
Daddy took this video of Alexa's menacing laugh while she was supposed to be eating dinner on Monday... this is why they both get into trouble when I am home!
I put Alexa's hair in pigtails (for the first time) on Tuesday. Can you say "ADORABLE????"
She is beginning to do a better job with using a spoon.
What a bea-u-ti-ful week it has been! Nothing like 5-6 straight days of sunshine in Ohio!! I took Alexa outside after nap on Tuesday. She really enjoyed watching the cars drive by! Again, let me emphasize how freaking cute I think my little girl looks in pigtails (even the ladies at the gym complimented her).
Playing with sticks that were on the sidewalk. Alexa is so curious and adventurous!
If you listen closely she says, "side" (outside), "tr" (tree), and "car."
In this video, Alexa says "sti" (stick), acts like a goofball, and then mentions Daddy, JaJa, and Papa as some cars drive by. Wonder why she only thinks of saying guys' names only when she sees cars, especially considering the #1 person she rides in a car with is Mommy?!?!
When Daddy got home from work, Alexa helped him pick up the sticks lying around the yard. She had fun (and did a great job) being his helper!!
Great pic of Mommy & Alexa ♥
We had another See Me Run class this morning... Alexa did a great job sorting food into the matching colored bags. (Most of you will be happy to know that although Danny did follow Alexa around, attempt to hold her hand, and told her she was pretty... he did not attempt to kiss her, lol)
Alexa went up the slide with no assistance for the first, second, and third times today!
I think this picture is HILARIOUS!!
We got some sad news on Monday at Babytime... this is Mrs. Allison's last week :( She and her husband are relocating to the Boston, MA area in a couple of weeks. I found a children's book titled The Library Doors (the words are written to the tune of the Wheels on the Bus, which is Alexa's favorite part of storytime) to give to Mrs. Allison as a thank you gift for all that she has done for us in the past 14 months! We are going to take it to her tomorrow morning, and hopefully I will be able to get one final picture of Alexa and Mrs. Allison :)
Oh, and I have a funny Alexa story (at least funny to me, I think it was embarrassing to Auntie though)... during Mass on Sunday Alexa lifted Auntie's shirt, pointed to her belly, and said "baby" (quite loudly, I may add). Like I said, I laughed :-)~ Auntie turned BRIGHT red. I guess I have to further explain to Alexa that the only person with a baby in their belly is Mommy!!
I wish all of my readers had the opportunity to spend every day with Alexa like Dan and I do. She is just this amazing [almost] toddler who impresses us with her intelligence, keeps us laughing, and showers us with love & affection. I know there are things that I am constantly forgetting to include... But I do try my best to describe what she is doing, learning, etc. for all of you so that you can semi-understand. We are both so thankful that she is our daughter!! Alright enough mushy stuff :-) Hope everyone is having a great week!! Ciao.
Alexa can be quite the goofball but she is so adorable. I think we need to see a picture of her with her new "friend" Danny so will look for that soon. Loved all the pictures and videos, especially hearing her new laugh. She must keep you so entertained. Great church story too! Love, Aunt Janine
Enjoyed the pictures. Alexa is getting her sounds really good and she if very sturdy on her feet. Loved the update. The laugh made me laugh - she is so cute. Funny church story but I'm sure Danielle was embarrassed
Love, Gram
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