Here is Alexa saying goodbye to Mrs. Allison, our librarian.
Swinging at the park is so much fun (on Friday, March 12th)!
We now go several days without photos because Alexa got sick on Saturday, March 13th. Let me tell you how awful that was... we are in Walmart doing our grocery shopping and it late, like 7:00 pm. I'm at one end of the freezer aisle and Daddy & Her Highness are at the other when I hear Daddy shout, "Nikki, Alexa just threw up!" Awesome. Not!! She was sick throughout the night on Saturday but appeared to be fine the next morning. Pat and Becky even came out and brought us dinner on Sunday. However, Alexa threw up one more time last Monday morning. After that she was fine - me, not so much. More on that in a moment...
Here I am 12 weeks and 1 day prego. The "bump" is a-growing :-) We find out the sex next Tuesday evening, can't wait!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
These photos are from last week's See Me Run class... of course Alexa is using the walky-talky in the police car as a phone :-)~ (The boy in the car is the infamous Danny)
Here's a video of Alexa and Danny playing in their cars. She was really loving him chasing her and then crashing (gently).
Her Highness LOVED this roller coaster ride. She is so adventurous! Danny asked me if he could push "Lexa." When she saw Ms. Linda had the bus set up, Alexa started spinning her arms and saying, "round and round."
I cannot get Alexa to sit still during circle time, but of course she sits like an angel in Ms. Linda's lap ;-)
Later on that day, Uncle came down to visit us! We had a really great visit with him. He was wonderful interacting with Alexa (although I didn't take photos because I didn't think he'd like that, haha). The four of us enjoyed corned beef & cabbage in true St. Patty's Day tradition, and then Uncle texted me the whole way home about the gas he had. Nice... LOL
Back to my stomach bug... I got sick on Thursday morning but had to go to the OB for my Ultrascreen test (it is a test for Down's Syndrome). The test is two-part: an ultrasound and blood work. The baby looked great in the ultrasound (still no word on the blood work, it takes 5-7 business days).
Here is the baby at 12 weeks 2 days. On the left, you can see his/her hand. On the right, is a close up of his/her face.

Here are more pics of the baby at 12 weeks 2 days. Watch how the baby's hand moves from chest level to thumbing sucking :-)

When we got home from Dr. Davy's office I was sick again and had to call Daddy home from work. It was too hard for me to take care of Alexa while throwing up, and I was just exhausted. Unfortunately, Daddy caught a minor bit of it too on Thursday night. So Alexa spent Thursday night gated into our family room watching Barney while we just laid on the couch :-(
Daddy stayed home from work on Friday because Mommy was still out of commission. Even though I hadn't vomited since Thursday afternoon I felt nauseous, tired, dizzy... just plain yucky and knew I could not handle high energy Alexa on my own. When the afternoon rolled around and Alexa woke up from nap after only an hour (she usually naps for close to three) asking for Noni & Papa (I swear the kid has an internal clock when it has been two weeks without them), Daddy made the decision that we were still going home for the weekend. We quickly packed and loaded and headed to Perry.
What a blessing my parents are! I was able to get some much needed rest (and comfort food), and Daddy was able to have a break from solo parenting (so that he could fix Uncle's computer - which was no easy feat, he is just a computer genius). It is times like these (when we are both sick and/or exhausted) that I really miss my parents. I wanted my mom. No. I needed my mom. She wanted to be here for us on Thursday so badly, but it is too far for her to be able to hop in the car to entertain Alexa and put her to bed for us. As I sit and think about our future family I grow even more headstrong that we have to live closer to them. We want to have four kids. There are going to be lots of times that we are going to need help... if we or the children are sick, when we have four different practices to attend, etc. And I know that Noni & Papa will be helpful when necessary, but they will also want to be involved in the children's daily lives. Anyway, enough with my moping over being closer to my family... Nothing I can do about it now, so here's to hoping that changes in the coming year (or two, max)!!!
Back to Alexa, she was cranky pants most of the weekend. Her nose was running which turned into a cough all because her top teeth were coming in. It made for a long weekend. Here is Alexa riding in Auntie's old car. She's leasing it ;-)
On Saturday, we went to Alexa's BFF, Regan's birthday party! It was lots of fun!
Happy 1st Birthday, Regan!
Regan tasting her smash cake. We took Alexa's cupcake home because it was going to be too messy to not eat it in her chair. As soon as I handed it to her, she shoved the ladybug icing straight into her mouth :-)
Loving the cupcake!
A movie of Alexa eating the cupcake.
Watching The Backyardigans on Saturday night.
Yes, Noni took a picture of the TV screen with all five characters so that she can print & laminate it for Alexa to walk around with. The characters are (from left to right) Tyrone, Pablo, Uniqua, Austin, and Tasha. Alexa says "Tyrone" and "Pablo" all day long. Sometimes she says "Tash" (with no 'a').
We kept hearing Alexa cry out on the monitor (as if she were having bad dreams) on Saturday evening. At about 12:30 am, Alexa woke up, and Noni went into the bedroom and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Which wasn't for long. She kept awakening and asking for "Mommy," and finally at 3:00 am Noni brought her to me. It took me almost an hour to get her to fall back asleep! On Sunday morning we discovered that one of the top teeth cut through! The other one cut through on Monday. Hopefully, the rest of her teeth are not as awful as these two were!!!
On Sunday, we caught up on sleep missed on Saturday night. Also, Gram came over to see us and joined us for dinner. I made chicken parmigiana - yummy!
Due to other errands on Monday, we didn't make it to Babytime. So we ended up going on Tuesday, and I think that we are going to keep going on Tuesdays. There was another little girl, Alexis, about Alexa's age that she had fun around the Story Garden with and there are several friendly moms that I think I could make friends with :-) Oh, and the new Babytime librarian, Mrs. Jenny, is wonderful!
Here is Alexa (and Mommy) at our See Me Run class this morning.
"Mommy. Eyes!" And Alexa going wheeeeee on the slide.
First, Alexa had to knock over another child's block tower. Second, she decided to share the 3D cow puzzle with Danny.
Today I met Danny's mom (who is a teacher on Spring break this week - he normally comes with his grandma). I was rushing to leave SMR today because we had a play date to get to, but I told her that I am going to give her mom my contact info at our final class next week so that we can have a play date. She was happy to hear that! Apparently, Danny talks about Alexa at home so Shelly was excited to meet her :-)
We had a play date at the Nguyen's house after SMR. The dad, Minh, was my PSR aid last year, and I've become friends with his wife, Sarah. They have two kids, Daniel (5) and Joseph (2.5), and are expecting #3 in May. We had a great time playing and visiting!! I think that we are going to go to the zoo with them sometime in April :-) As if the day could get any busier, we also had visitors at our house for lunch! My friend (eh, ex-boyfriend honestly) Bob and his three boys Kiran, Bennett, and Davis came over for lunch and a mini play date before Alexa's nap. It was awesome seeing them! Alexa really enjoyed playing with a bunch of friends this morning, and I enjoyed having adult conversation :-)
Well, that's all I've got for now (which is actually a lot considering I said I was going to keep it brief, hehe). Her Highness is waking up from nap, and I have tons to do so I will try to post again next week sometime. Ciao.
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