We tried to spend more time at home last week -- I was beginning to feel like a bad mom, always taking Alexa out on errands. So at home we focused on many different types of play :-) We did lots of reading, played with shapes in different ways (puzzles, shape sorter), made music, sat outside, crawled everywhere, practiced climbing the stairs, rolled the ball, etc. Recently, Dan and I had noticed that she wasn't saying "book" anymore, but now that we've been at home she's started saying it again. She's also saying something that resembles "bottle" when she's hungry. Clearly the additional time spent focusing on Alexa has paid off!! It has helped boost her confidence in her physical abilities too! She is becoming more brave about pulling up to stand and then letting go (she can stand for about 10 seconds). Alexa is crawling farther distances every day and understands how to pull her legs up to climb the stairs. She is a very busy little girl :-)
For awhile there, we were growing frustrated with Alexa's middle of the night cries... she would cry out, one of us (usually Dan) would have to go give her a pacifier, then she'd go to sleep and we'd be awake. But with skipping her morning nap every other day, increasing her food intake, and a more active lifestyle of play, Alexa has been sleeping great (***knock on wood)!!! I don't think it'll be too long before we are down to one nap a day. This works great for our fall plans though - we will now attend Babytime on Monday mornings and on Tuesday mornings we will have swim lessons! I can't wait to start this new adventure (next week) with my little girl!!! I'll be sure to have someone take a pic, and I'll let y'all know how Alexa does :-) Don't worry, we'll continue to play at home (especially once we have our nice new Playroom done) so that Alexa continues to thrive!!
Playroom News: On Wednesday evening, Pat came over to help Dan put in 9 recessed lights. They didn't get them all done, but he showed Dan what he needed to do to finish. Dan finished the lights and hung insulation on Friday. He put in more hours working on the Playroom then if he had just gone into the office, oy! On Sunday and Monday, Dan & Pat were BUSY hanging drywall. It has been quite a project! In fact, Dan told me last night, "the next time you have an idea for something like this keep it in your head." LOL.
Last week I began my BUCKEYE spirit training with Alexa... she wore OSU clothing on Thursday, Friday, and [of course] Saturday, we listened to TBDBITL whenever we were in the car, and I was constantly chanting "O-H-I-O" to her. She may not understand yet, but this kid will be a BUCKEYE fan if it's the only thing I am successful at as a parent ;-)
Look at her letting go of the couch -- I feel like she wants to say, "Look, no hands!"
She LOVES to be turned upside-down and swung back-and-forth like a ticking clock :)~
Last Friday evening, Alexa got to have her first BIG GIRL dinner with Mommy and Daddy. We had mashed potatoes (which Daddy fed her but she didn't like), meatloaf, and peas (and plums to substitute for the potatoes). She did AMAZING!!!
On Saturday, Alexa got to experience her 1st real game day :-) She was sporting her new OSU onesie and a [sticker-type] tattoo. Alexa got lots of "how cutes" and "awes" all day long! Our day kind of went like so: After Alexa's morning nap, we headed to campus. We got down there about 11:30 am and went to BW3s. Joining us were Tim, Sean & Stephanie, and Becky. Uncle Sean is always willing to hold Alexa -- he particularly enjoyed using the cupholder in her stroller :)~
We cheered on the BUCKS to their first victory of the season! (Dan & I have a semi-tradition of taking a self-portrait on every game day, so be on the watch for these - we gotta figure out how to include Alexa Rose too!).
Stephanie, me, & Becky at Bdubbs. A self-proclaimed "terrified" Uncle Tim held Alexa several times on Saturday -- we kept having to reassure him that he wouldn't break her, haha.
Alexa napped for over an hour in the cheering bar! I mean, she didn't even flinch when eruptions of O-H-I-O were chanted after we scored!! After an amazing time down on campus, we decided to test our luck and took Alexa to the Grumpy Troll (where we used to regulars). She got to see (and meet) some friends from our past. Finally, we went to dinner at Genji Japanese Steakhouse. It was a loooooong day - we didn't get home until almost 8:00 pm. Alexa was soooo great, and we know we'll take her out for more game days this football season!
Alexa really enjoys Bath Time Fun!
Since Alexa will crawl into the kitchen when I'm cooking, I've designated a few different things for her to play with on the floor. She enjoys banging, mixing, and throwing these objects :-)
On Sunday we went to "The Farm" - a piece of property in the New Albany area that has been owned by various members of Dan's extended family for decades. Every Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, people gather there to eat, socialize, and allow the kids to play in the creek - which I informed them Alexa will NEVER do!
All in all we had a great, busy, productive, and fun-filled LONG weekend!! Daddy was off last Friday through today; we're gonna be sad to send him back to work tomorrow :-( But Alexa and I are looking forward to meeting my friend Ellie's baby tomorrow morning. And of course, we're all looking forward to our trip home this weekend - can't believe it's been 3 weeks... I'm going to Country Jam with Mom & a bunch of her girlfriends all day on Saturday, and Alexa is spending the day with her Daddy & her Papa :-) It's also the big game this weekend - Let's go BUCKS beat USC (I cannot stand Pete Carroll)!!! Ciao.
Nikki, I just finished reading your book...oh excuse me, your update. You guys are truly busy folks. I think it is a good thing that Alexa doesn't like mashed potatoes - they can be fattening. Hopefully she will like baked potatoes better. Okay, I'm clueless - what does TBDBITL mean?
Love, Aunt Janine
She looks so awesome in her OSU gear! Ooooh...swim lessons...I have been patiently waiting for Rylee to turn 6 months so we can sign up! Let me know how it goes. I read they also really strengthen the trust bond between Mama and baby.. Go OSU!
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