On Friday evening, we went to dinner at Flanagan's with Pat, Becky, Maureen, and Dan. This is the first "real" high chair Alexa ever sat in! She enjoyed slamming the foam plate on the tray :)~
After a family trip to Lowe's on Saturday morning to get stuff for Playroom construction, Alexa and I went to Maureen's bridal shower (while Dan went to lunch downtown with his dad & Dan). We were able to see a lot of the female Ritchey family members :) All of whom commented on how "cute" Alexa and I were in our matching dresses - we like to coordinate our outfits!
On our way home from the shower, we stopped by David's Bridal to see Tiffanie pick out her wedding gown! It is so pretty, and looks great with the bridesmaid dresses we found last week! When we got home, Alexa played with her walker... well, not really, in fact the thing kind of intimidates her!
Alexa really loves to jump/bounce!
Doesn't Alexa look like such a big girl? Her outfit is one that Aunty Kat sent from London :) When Alexa pulls herself up to stand, I see her becoming a toddler. She is more independent each day, so stubborn and full of life! As long as she's awake, I am on the move too - telling her "NO!" when she touches something she shouldn't (like the surround sound speakers) and chasing her away from things (like Chloe's dog bowl that she is fascinated with, lol).
Our church had a picnic on Sunday afternoon. They served a nice BBQ style meal, and the 3 of us got t-shirts for being "new parishioners" (since we didn't go to the picnic last year) - I'm excited to wear mine to PSR! There were tons of games, ranging from 3-legged race to corn hole to text messaging. They had face painting and Bingo too! I really like St. Joan of Arc, and I'm hoping to make some friends (besides Minh & Sarah) this coming year through PSR. It would be really great for Dan and I to meet other couples with young children!
After the church picnic we went out to Pataskala for dinner with Dan's family. Alexa got to show off her crawling and standing! And Chloe got to run around and play with Maddie :)
This week has been off to a great start! On Monday, Alexa and I did our normal thing - grocery shopping and other errands. We got some BUCKEYE clothes for the game this weekend! Alexa is going to experience game day for the first time outside of Mommy's belly :) Yes, we are taking her to campus!!
Yesterday, we went to Babytime at the library. Ms. Allison was delighted to see Alexa crawling! She couldn't believe how much she had grown in the few weeks since Summer session ended. It is amazing how much changes in such a short period of time - I set Alexa on the floor so I could pick some books out, and the next thing I knew, she was pulling herself up on the shelves or crawling over to the library toys.
Our plan for today is to go raid the Carter's store after lunch :) In all my shopping, I never really bought Alexa clothes past 9-months... so we are going to buy her 12-month fall wardrobe. They have some super cute clothes out right now, an awesome sale, plus I have a coupon - we'll probably come home with "too much" according to Daddy ;-)
Our progress on the basement is minimal thus far. We've moved almost everything to the unfinished side of the basement. Dan has put up some insulation along the top part of the foundation walls, rewired some cable, and drilled some holes for the new lights. Tonight he (and his dad) will be running the electrical for the recessed lighting. Tomorrow night Dan and Ben (my friend, Tiffanie's fiance) will be picking up the drywall from Lowe's, and hopefully on Friday Dan will get the insulation in the ceiling and begin to hang the drywall. Obviously, he is taking Friday off of work, which means we'll have a 4-Day Weekend together!! Our only "break" from the Playroom will be the game on Saturday. It'll be nice to be together just the three of us with no where to go (except maybe Lowe's, lol). I've started taking a few pictures of the work-in-progress, and once it is all complete I'll post it all. Hope you are enjoying the beginning of Fall, I know I am :) Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, Sam Adam's Oktoberfest, and BUCKEYE football. Life is good! Ciao.
She's going to be walking very very soon! Give my love to the rest of the Ritchey family and see you in a few months. xxx
I love to see her version of crawling, it is so different and cute. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on Alexa.
Love, Aunt Janine
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