That same day, we went to the Westerville Fire Department to have her new "big girl car seat" installed... it is rear-facing until she is at least 1 year old (like the infant seat was) but it gives her room to spread out a bit :)
Peek-a-boo, Alexa!
For the first time, Alexa played in her room by herself while I was in our bedroom packing for Perry. It was super cute to "spy" on her every couple of minutes playing :)
With Noni at the Perry Pirate football game (v. Madison). Alexa also got to hangout in the high school section with Auntie & her friends.
It was Katelyn's birthday :) Daddy feeding Alexa a bottle at the game.
Alexa & Mommy the morning of the USC game (before I left for Country Jam).
Our group at Country Jam 2009 - Mom, Kelly (aka Babe), me, Kimmy, Lisa, Chris, & Jill. Me and Karen dancing during a concert.
Everyone thought Mom & I were awesome wearing our BUCKEYE clothing at the concert. Josh Turner seriously was AMAZING... I was totally enamored with him (and his deep voice) until he announced that his keyboard player was... wait for it... his best-friend and wife. What a let-down :)~
Noni showed Alexa the pumpkin they've been growing for her - she's a lucky girl to have such thoughtful grandparents :) Alexa LOVES to lay down during bath time. She kicks and splashes... so fun!
Alexa Rose hanging out with Noni & Papa before we left to come back to Columbus.
On Monday (the 14th), we began our new routine of going to Babytime at 11:00 am on Mondays. We also got to spend the day with Barsky, one of Dan's old roomies. He lives in NJ, and the last time we saw him was the day before I was induced. It was so great that he extended his trip to Ohio by an extra day so we could meet ARR (what he calls Alexa).
I laugh EVERY time I watch this video. Besides being beautiful and smart, Alexa is such a silly girl :)~ And isn't she getting great with the walk-behind toy? Hopefully she'll be walking before her 1st Birthday!
Another "walking" video...
Last Tuesday we started swim lessons at the Worthington Community Center.
Daddy had the day off of work to help prepare for our trip to N.C. so he photographed our first swim class :) I'll be swimming with Alexa most weeks, but next Tuesday I'm actually going to sub for the day while Daddy & daughter have a day together (including a swim lesson).
It was a ton of fun!!! I am really looking forward to going again tomorrow :) Knowing how much I'm already enjoying swim lessons, I know we'll have a great time once Alexa gets a little bit older and we can take other classes at the Rec together :)
Here's a video of us singing The Grand Old Duke of York in the pool.
Before I had Alexa last year, Aunt Denise gave me two large popcorn tins full of wood "scraps" from my Papa's wood shop. She had collected them for her grandson to play (and build) with and thought that since he had outgrown them & since Papa and I were so close that I would want them for my kids :) Dan suggested we get some of them out last week, and Alexa loved them! It warms my heart to know my lil girl is playing with pieces from Papa's shop. I'll make sure she knows all about her great-Papa because he was such an awesome man!!! She's also beginning to enjoy the barn that Gram had gotten at the church garage sale for her.
Alexa using her walker today. Last week she would stick the ball in her mouth to use both hands to walk. Now she's trying to walk using only one hand to push... she's getting better (and faster) at this walker every day!
As you can see/read, life in the Ritchey household continues to be fun and busy... it is jam-packed with Alexa learning/experiencing new things. She is consistently saying "ba ba" when she is hungry, and we've even caught her saying "ba tl" a couple of times. We both are trying to encourage her to repeat words after we say them. Her vocab now includes: Mama, Dada, Book, Bottle, and Papa. In other news, thanks to some tips from Andy & Cathy (during our trip to N.C.), we are beginning to switch Alexa to "big girl food" instead of the purees. Tonight, for example, I had made a Shepherd's Pie (of sorts) that had mashed potatoes, ground beef, mixed veggies, & cheese and some biscuits - Alexa enjoyed dinner with us! I'm still a little nervous about her not getting enough to eat or choking, but she does a really good job gumming her food and she starts playing with it after eating for awhile (which I take to mean she is full). I figure as long as she's sleeping at night and not too fussy during the day, that she's got a full tummy :)
The Playroom is coming together -- the guys were here today taping and mudding. They think they'll be all done either tomorrow night or Wednesday morning!! Then we'll be able to paint, buy some kid furniture & toys, get some storage units and then PLAY!!! I'll be able to post pictures of the work-in-progress and fully finished Playroom soon!
Well, that's all I've got for now folks... Lots of TV shows returning this week ~ YAY!!! I'll try to post about our trip to N.C. in the next few days. Until then... Ciao.
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