Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweet Potato Success!

On Friday Alexa and I met Dan at his work for a picnic lunch - Alexa LOVED the grass! I loved how adorable she looked in her shorts :)

YAY!!! Alexa's tummy likes sweet potatoes! Yesterday, I fed her three [baby] spoonfuls of sweet potatoes just to "test the waters." Today Dan fed her a little bit more in the morning, and I fed her even more at dinner. She makes the sweetest faces :) Alexa seems to have an easier time eating it from my finger than the spoon - I don't care, I'm just happy she's eating it without it coming back out. We can always work on the spoon thing in a few days. I've also come to the realization that my milk supply had decreased and Alexa hadn't been getting enough to eat, which explains her slow weight gain and her frequent nightly wake-ups for her pacifier. I'm doing things to try to increase my milk supply, but for the time being we are dipping into my freezer supply to offer Alexa expressed breastmilk after her nursing sessions. She has been an eating machine all weekend between nursing, bottles, and solids! She's also been sleeping like a champ at night again :) Thank you all for your prayers that we'd have success with the veggies!!!
5 days till Perry! Can't wait to see my family :) Ciao.


Erin Walker said...

THANK GOD!!!! I was checking like every 10 minutes!!! Yea Alexa's Tummy!!! We Love You!!!

perrynana said...

I was also checking frequently and am so glad that sweet potatoes were successful. Glad you figured out the milk supply issue also.
Love to all,
Aunt Kathy