This morning I decided that I really needed to get some stuff done around the house, and it is nearly impossible to do anything when Alexa constantly wants to be held. So I did what any good mother wouldn't do... I plopped my 2 month old in front of the television. Santa brought Alexa a Baby Einstein DVD for Christmas, and as you can tell from the top two photos above, she was totally into it. I have never seen a baby so entranced by images on a TV screen. She really loved it... I loved the 30 minutes of housework it allowed me to get done! Not too surprising that the child loves TV though, I think it's in her blood :)- Speaking of television: Just a little reminder for all of you... season premiere of 24 this Sunday and Monday. Mmmm Jack Bauer and Tony Almeida :) Haha.
I also had Alexa spend some time in her swing today. That occupied her for awhile so that I was able to plan my PSR lesson. For those of you who don't know, I teach religion class on Wednesday to fifth graders. The kids are really sweet, and I really enjoy it! What else? Anyone have any suggestions for how to transition Alexa from her bassinet (in our room) to her crib (in her nursery)? Any thoughts, advice, etc. would be much appreciated!
My mood has obviously improved since my last posting, which is good. I doesn't mean I'm happy with our geographical status, but I'm dealing with it. Of course, it helps that I have a countdown until we are in Perry again - 15 days....
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