So much has gone on since my last posting! On Thursday, Dan and I decided it was time for Alexa to make the transition from her bassinet to the crib. So after feeding her around 9:15 pm, we spent some quiet time with Alexa then put her to bed just after 10:00 pm. She didn't wake up until 3:45 am! After eating, she went back to bed until 8:00 am. It was the closest thing to a normal night's sleep we've had in a long time! Lucky for us each night has gotten better... Friday night she went to bed at 10 pm, woke to eat at 5 am, and then went back to bed until 9:30 am. On Saturday night, Alexa went to bed at 9:30 pm, woke at 5 am to eat, and then went back to bed until 10 am. And as I type right now (9:50 pm) she just fell asleep, and all I hear on the monitor is the Womb Bear. I never in a million years would have thought it would be this easy ***knock on wood*** I've said it numerous times, Dan and I are so lucky to have Alexa. She has been a true joy and such an easy-going little girl. It seems like everyday she is becoming a more interactive person. She is staying awake longer, making eye contact, smiling, and producing tears! I'm excited because this week Alexa and I are going to start attending story (half) hour at the library right around the corner! I think we are going to go to the Tuesday 11 am session. Our library has a cute children's section and story hour area. I'll try to get some pictures while we're there to share with you all.
The past few days have also been filled with some outings and a visit from some friends. Alexa and I had lunch with Dan and a few of his coworkers on Friday at Las Margaritas. Afterwards, her and I went to Babies R Us for a few things, including her new fleece sleepsack. We had a trip to Walmart on Saturday, and ended our day with a visit with Tiffanie and Ben. Today we had lunch at House of Japan (mmmm, yummy!) and shopped at The Andersons. Now, while Alexa is sleeping peacefully, we are watching the first part of the two-part 24 season premiere!!! I'm pleased thus far... I mean how could I not be? Two hours of Jack & Tony :)
For those of you who have been concerned with my "state of mind," I am doing better. I still hate living away from my family, but I know that this is not permanent. I know that when the time is right, we will find a way to move closer to them. So until that time, I have to be patient and look forward to the every other weekend (for the most part) visits to Perry. Only 12 days until I see them again...
Well, that's all for now. Hope y'all are enjoying the winter weather. Will write more in a few days. Ciao.
1 comment:
I am so proud of both Dan and Nikki. You two are wonderful parents to my little granddaughter and you compliment each other in so many ways. Alexa, I am proud of you too, you are such a big girl sleeping in your crib all night. Don't grow up too fast because I don't want to miss too much! I love you all!!! Chloe, I miss you too. Tell your mom to put up pictures of you too!
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