some pictures from celebrating Mom's birthday and some pictures of the exersaucer and a video. Enjoy!
Monday, January 26, 2009
It's Just Another Manic Monday :)-
I've already filled y'all in on our exciting Saturday of piercings, lol. The other major exciting news on Saturday/Sunday was that Alexa went to bed around 9 pm and slept until 715 am! Side note, last night she slept from 1030 pm until 750 am! We love this whole sleeping through the night thing. We are definitely hoping it keeps up. I laid Alexa in bed at 930 pm tonight, we'll see how long she sleeps for... Sorry to ramble on about something like sleep, but I am just so proud of the baby. I thought for sure that I would not be lucky enough to have an easy pregnancy AND a great baby, but I was wrong!!! Anyways, on Sunday we lounged around my parents' house and celebrated Mom's birthday with Chinese takeout, and she opened her gift from Alexa. It was definitely a very nice trip :) This afternoon Alexa and I went to hangout with my friend Becky for a few hours. It was so nice to have someone to relax with and to distract me from my "depression." I definitely felt a lot better once we left her condo! Then, we went to Walmart and The Anderson's to do our weekly grocery shopping. Alexa is such a happy little girl, which makes running errands so much simpler. When we got home, Dan fed Alexa a bottle while I made dinner - he has been feeding her a bottle most nights when he gets home from work so he can have some bonding time while feeding too :) We had yummy apricot & cranberry stuffed pork chops, broccoli, and baked potatoes. I'm trying to get us back into the habit of eating more Weight Watchers type meals... I need to lose these last 7 baby pounds (plus I wouldn't mind losing 5 more pounds than that)! Speaking of pounds, I decided to weigh Alexa this morning using the 'I weigh myself alone, then with her, and figure the difference' method. She weighed 11 lbs. 6 oz.!!! Our baby girl is a growing machine - that is 1 lb. 6 oz. is 4 weeks :) Now, back to my daily recap. After dinner, Dan put together Alexa's Sesame Street exersaucer. Middle-aged Aunt Chris (lol) got it for my baby shower. So below are
some pictures from celebrating Mom's birthday and some pictures of the exersaucer and a video. Enjoy!
Alexa helping Noni read her birthday cards.
Noni & Alexa with the Rachael Ray spoonulas.
Dan putting together the exersaucer.
Almost done!
Alexa & Daddy with her new toy!!!
some pictures from celebrating Mom's birthday and some pictures of the exersaucer and a video. Enjoy!
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2 comments: precious is our little baby! So glad that middle-aged Aunt Chris bought her this toy which Alexa seems to enjoy a lot. All the pictures are great too. Dan is such a handy man putting together the toys for his little girl. Nikki is such a wonderful mom; she takes berry good care of her precious cargo! Dan and Nikki, Alexa is truly blessed to have wonderful parents like you two. And Alexa, well you, just bless everyone that you come into contact with on a daily basis. Thanks for all the treasured moments and the ones to come! Miss you all!
I love you all, Chloe too!
hugs and kisses
It looks like the Exerciser is a great hit with Alexa. Some really fantastic pictures too.
Aunt J9
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