It has been forever since my last post! Okay, so maybe only a week, but it feels like forever. I have tons of pictures posted above which means I also have loads to update you all on too - I don't even know where to begin. Well, we had a really wonderful weekend - Dan's birthday weekend! We laid low on Friday night, and then on Saturday morning my mom and dad got here. Alexa decided to take a short half-hour nap so that she could have plenty of time to entertain her grandparents :)
I guess I should backtrack... I mentioned in my last post that Alexa is kind of starting to put herself on a schedule. It goes something like this: Bed 930 pm - Wake to eat around 5 am - Back to sleep at 6 am - Wake to eat around 930 am - Awake until sometime in the afternoon - 2 or 3 hour afternoon nap - Awake (with some dozing off) until bedtime. There are a few feedings during her awake hours, but the rest of her awake time is spent reading books, playing with her rattle, having tummy time, watching Baby Monet, cuddling, playing with her hands (she has recently discovered them), etc. The schedule (of sorts) is great because it allows me to focus on her when she is awake and on housework when she is asleep. I know I've said it before, but I feel truly blessed to be home with her. I love knowing that I will be with her for most (if not all) of her developmental milestones! The thing that makes me the most happy right now is not Alexa's smile, but the way her eyes twinkle when she smiles :) She is simply amazing.
Anyways, back to my update. On Saturday, we hung out with my parents, mom and I had manicures, I wiped out in the parking lot and cracked my head (I'm alright though), went to church, and Dan made us an amazing rib dinner! In the evening, my dad and Dan went out for drinks with Tim to celebrate Dan's birthday while Mom, Alexa, and I hung out at home. On Sunday morning we lounged around before my parents treated us to breakfast at Rise & Dine for Dan's birthday. We did some shopping at The Anderson's, and then came home to have ice cream cake. Dan was so surprised, I was sneaky and went and bought it while he had been out on Saturday night :)- After my parents left, Dan, Alexa and I just hung out at home and enjoyed quality time together. We also enjoyed a nice day together on Monday since Dan had the day off of work in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day. Alexa and I had Babytime at the library again on Tuesday, and then I plopped myself on the couch to watch the inauguration of President Barack Obama!!! I am so thankful that Bush is no longer president. The inauguration was so touching, and Obama is such an eloquent and inspirational speaker. I cannot wait to see all the amazing things I know he will do for our country.
Countdown: 2 days until Perry!!!
Well, I better get back to Dan, my glass of wine, and LOST... love to all *muah*
3 comments: always have a lot to say. Great pictures. Cannot wait to see you all on Friday, January 23rd. Love you all and drive safely!
We were sorry not to be able to celebrate Dan's birthday with him, but I didn't want the rest of you to get sick like me! Hopefully I will shake this thing soon, and then we can celebrate! Love, Becky/Mom
Great pictures and as always some great captioning which I know you get from your Mom!
Aunt Janine
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