Green beans ~ Lunch at work with Daddy
Peas ~ Tummy time
Spending some QT with Aunt Janine
Playing with Uncle Ken ~ Me & Nathan Ryan Feeney
Alexa & Laura ~ Laura & Dan introducing Alexa & Nathan
Mr & Mrs Eric Williamson :) ~ Our family at the ceremony
Me with the groom & bride
Heather & Dan (friends since grade school) ~ Us at the reception
"I don't have to roll over completely to play with my rattle, Mommy."
Gosh, time has been flying lately! Days & weeks are blurring together. Things have been really great in our house. Alexa has taken to eating amazingly!!! So far she's had sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, peas, and bananas, and there hasn't been one that she doesn't like. I'm hoping this means she'll be a good eater :)~ I don't want to raise my children to eat junk like hot dogs, chicken nuggets, fries, etc. (no offense to those of you who feed or have fed your kids these things) because I want them to have a "more mature palate." LOL. Seriously though, if there is one thing that Weight Watchers taught me it is that you can eat healthy and still enjoy food! That mentality is something Dan and I agree that we want to instill in our children. Obviously, WW has been a great thing to me - I don't think I have mentioned it but I am finally under my WW goal weight!!! I haven't weighed what I weigh today since the summer of our wedding. Since I'm about where I want to be, I'll proudly boast that I weigh 122.4 pounds (my WW goal is 125), and I want to get down to 120. I think this is completely doable, just in time for bikini season :)
Okay, I'll get off of my Weight Watchers soap box, lol... so looking at my calendar (because that's the only way I honestly remember what we did last week), it looks like we had a full week. We picked up Alexa's 6-month pictures from Target and did some shopping on Tuesday, on Wednesday Tiffanie hung out with us for a few hours and I had my final PSR class of the year, on Thursday we had lunch with Dan and did some shopping (notice a trend, haha), and on Friday Aunt Janine & Uncle Ken came up from Kentucky! See, I told you we keep busy!!! We enjoyed a nice breakfast and early morning visiting with my aunt and uncle on Saturday morning before they continued north to see Gram. We headed out to the east side of town to meet Laura & Marc's newest addition to the gigantic Ritchey family, Nathan Ryan. Then our friends, Heather & Eric, got married after being engaged for almost 3 years. We had a really great time getting to hang out with Tim, Sean, Eric, Art, Kelly, Jarrod, and of course Heather & Eric. It felt like the night was over so fast though!!! I'll write about our Sunday in a special post I think I'm going to title "My 1st Mother's Day." It deserves a blog posting all of its own :) Today we hit up Half-Price Books after grocery shopping at Walmart, and Alexa made out like a bandit with 15 books! I was pretty excited because I got quite a few books that I've been wanting for awhile.
Okay - I'm going to post about Mother's Day now because it's all that's on my mind. Ciao.
Thanks for inviting us to stop by and see you guys on our way to Painesville. It was so good to visit with you and Dan. Of course Saturday morning was fantastic since we also got to spend some time with Alexa. She has grown so much since we saw her at Christmas. Your breakfast casserole was really tasty too! Have another great week.
Aunt Janine & Uncle Ken
That is awesome! I esp love my photo! I look pretty good for the day after! haha -
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