When Alexa's in Noni's kitchen,
she gets to play with all sorts of
fun things! Like wooden spoons,
measuring cups, and measuring
spoons. She's gonna learn to be
a great cook just like all the
women in her family :-)
Not happy to be wearing JaJa's gross hat. Mike Burr, JaJa's friend, feeding Alexa her bottle.
Alexa & RJ - they really are enamored with one another!
Noni painted Alexa's toe nails for the picnic. Don't we look pretty for the picnic?
Daddy & Alexa hanging out on the patio at the start of the picnic. Alexa was really hoping Aunt K was going to share her food, lol. Her eyes kept following that fork from the plate to my aunt's mouth and back :)-
Friel, Ben, & Dan ~ Bry & Regan
Dan & Me ~ D & Me
Regan & her Nana ("Babe") ~ Paul & Derek v. Friel & Bry with Danielle watching
People hanging around after eating.
More of our family & friends in the backyard. Nancy trying to calm a fussy Alexa Rose.
Chris & Regan. Jilly-poo is probably going to kill me for posting her playing with Alexa the "morning after."
Daddy & Alexa hanging out on the swing on Monday.
We got a blanket to play/layout in the backyard. Alexa had on SPF 50 so she didn't get burned, but she does have some nice color finally.
Playing with our baby girl :-)
Swinging with Noni.
Playing with JaJa.
Daddy & Noni played with Alexa, and so did Papa.
Dan & Paul playing corn hole. I can't tell you how many games they played, but I can tell you that Dan never won, even when Paul threw lefty. Moral of the story: we're getting our boards out to "train" after Alexa goes to bed at night so that we can kick some butt this summer!
Tummy time outside with JaJa's gross hat!
Chloe always lays in the SUN, and Dixie always lays in the SHADE. Opposites do attract though because these two dogs are the best of friends!
I feel like I always say the same thing when recapping our weekends in Perry - we had a great time! This weekend was no exception. We were able to leave around 12:30 pm on Friday afternoon, which was nice because we avoided a ton of holiday traffic! After getting Alexa down for bed, Dan and I went out for a bit to watch part of the Cavs game. On Saturday, we spent a good part of the day shopping (stood in line at Old Navy for an hour for $1 flip flops, went to Half-Price Books, and of course, went to Sam's Club). Dan, Alexa, and I were also able to go see my BFF, Sharon, and her family. RJ and Alexa just adore one another, and it's so cute to watch them looking at and touching each other! In the evening, we made a quick cameo at the Beer Bong Tourney, and I ran into a TON of people from high school. It was nice to catch-up with familiar faces :-) We spent the remainder of Saturday evening helping my parents get ready for the picnic. Of course, Sunday was our picnic with family and friends. It was fabulous to see everyone! Especially Rylee & Regan... babies grow so fast, I just cannot believe how big these two have gotten!!! We did lots of eating and visiting, played some corn hole and bocce golf, and I got to have a few Margaritas (yummy, I really missed 'em last summer!). It was truthfully one of the best days we've recently had, not to be outdone by our quiet/lazy Memorial Day at home with just the immediate family. After the hecticness of the party, it was nice to relax with my hubby, daughter, parents, siblings, and the dogs. We headed back to Dublin after dinner on Monday, and Alexa slept like a baby (no pun intended) until 7:30 am today. Guess all the fun festivies of the weekend even tired her out!!! Thanks again to everyone for coming over on Sunday ~ it was so great to see all of you! I hope we'll be seeing your faces more often this summer!!!
Tomorrow Alexa will be 7 months old ~ where has it all gone?!?! I am officially done pumping for Alexa's one bottle a day, so when we run out of our freezer stash in a couple of days we are going to start introducing formula. After she adjusts to the formula, I will gradually start weaning her from breastfeeding. It's time. My body was a baby growing machine from Jan 08 to Oct 08, and has been a baby feeding machine since then. As selfish as it sounds, I'm ready to have my body back for me. I am sad that our breasfeeding relationship is coming to a close but also a bit relieved. I'll keep y'all posted on how it's going. Well, I better get some stuff done while Alexa's still napping. Ciao.
it looks like you had an awesome weekend, once again. it was so great seeing you and your family. i can not get over how cute your little girl is. I LOOOOVE the pics of R.J. and Alexa, no doubt they are in love :) talk to ya soon darlin!!!
What a perfect recap of another terrific weekend together. I cannot wait for more summer weekends. I think we need to have another huge picnic as well; it was truly a BLAST. Nikki did forget to say that Dan is an AWESOME son-in-law (although we really think of him as a "son") and assists me in the kitchen all the time. Thanks Dan, you rock! Nikki & Alexa, thank you both for all of your assistance too. Love you all!
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