Alexa loves pears and my cell phone :-)
BIG NEWS: She is officially sitting unassisted!!! She sits in our bed (as pictured), on the floor (below), or even on the couch. I cannot believe how big and independent she is getting!!!! Before work, she enjoys spending some time with Daddy. Whether it be hanging out in her bedroom playing, cuddling in our bed, or entertaining him in the kitchen.
Becky visiting on Thursday afternoon. Playing with one of her photo blocks (coolest way to keep the faces of loved ones always around).
Peaches. At lunch with "Aunt" Kelly.
Kel & Maggie with Alexa... on our walk around campus (at Mirror Lake obviously).
Alexa really loves bath time. Her nightly routine starts with bath at about 6:20 - 6:30 pm. Dan and I alternate nights. After bath, she has quiet play time in her room with one of us, which involves playing, reading, and listening to lullabies. I nurse her around 6:50 pm, and then one of us reads her a final story (Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones by Claire Freedman), dances with her, and finally lays her in her crib. It is nice because absolutely no later than 7:30 pm is "Nikki-Dan Time." We get to enjoy QT talking, watching TV, and drinking cheap wine, lol. Alexa sleeps until 6:30 am (give or take 30 min.). We are really lucky she is such a good sleeper! Our only problem has been her 1-3 times a night wake-ups for her pacifier. The past few nights we have not been going in to give it to her. I want her to learn to put herself back to sleep, which is what she has done.
Oopsie, in my excitement of Alexa sitting completely unassisted [for minutes on end] and wanting to get it on video, I accidentally switched from "standard" to "compact" video on our camera :-( Oh well, at least I got it on video, right?!
Alexa telling us "a story." Which she does CONSTANTLY, that is until I try to get her to do it for video or on the phone.
Life continues to be good to us. Alexa and I had a busy week (last week) of lunches with different friends, shopping, and sitting! It has been so exciting to just plop her in the middle of the floor and let her play. She falls occasionally, will shed a tear or two, but is fine. I think she is enjoying the independence of sitting and is becoming more brave reaching out for things around her :-) Also, last Thursday we "weighed" Alexa to see how much weight she has gained in 3 weeks... The doctor was hoping that by our 4-week appointment (this Wed.) she'd have gained 1 pound... Well, we already got it!!! YAY :-) As of last Thursday, Alexa had already gained 1 lb 3 oz! You'll see in pictures from our weekend what a chunkier she's becoming if you look at her leg rolls, lol. Eating purees two times a day is continuing, we've introduced pears and peaches since my last post. She still has enjoyed it, so much so that she is now finishing an entire container (2.5 oz) per "meal." Well, that's all for now. Will post about our weekend later on today. Ciao.
1 comment:
My favorite part of the video is watching Dan's face as he watches Alexa.
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