Dan & Dad getting some yard waste picked up. Thank goodness my parents brought the truck down so that we were able to dispose of branches, leaf bags, etc. While hanging outside, Alexa gave me lots of kisses :-)
We brought her swing out, and she loved it. Our sitting beauty... Isn't she adorable? **Love her**
Playing with her little keyboard (which I have to add, I got for $3 at a garage sale! I'm such a bargain shopper) Papa feeding Alexa some bananas, but he didn't do so well so Noni took over.
Unloading stone to go around the shed now that it is free of branches and is a mud pit. Noni & Alexa watching Daddy & Papa move the TON, literally, of stone from the Tundra to around our shed.
We got the jumper out, and although she didn't quite figure out how to "jump," she loved moving around. She kind of looked like a drunken sailor staggering about, haha. After an exhausting first half of Saturday, Alexa zonked out on our way to campus to go shopping. She head a death grip on her beads.
She looked so cute in the chair at College Traditions, so much in fact, that an older gentleman asked to take her photo too :-) Noni & Papa bought her a Brutus book and an adorable OSU bathing suit to wear to Lake Erie this summer while we all jet ski! Alexa loves two things, bubbles & nakey time, lol.
The reason my parents came down was so that Dan and I could go to the 7:30 pm Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus without a cranky, overtired Alexa Rose.
The show was A-MA-ZING!!!
The tigers with their master, and a close-up of one of the elephants. They were so cute!
Alexa spending some time with Noni on Sunday morning.
Okay, so my mom has OCD and decided to clean underneath our refrigerator on Saturday night. Along with countless soda bottle tops and two ant traps, she found this diamond ring. Near as we can tell it is real... when compared to my wedding band, the four stones are larger, so we are thinking they are 0.25 carat each! Un-freaking-believable! Goes to show that we should all clean under our fridges once in awhile ;-)
The most spectacular part of the circus was the motorcycles in the steel ball... This video is SEVEN motorcycles going around in the ball! No pun intended, but Ringling Bros. is truly the Greatest Show On Earth!!!
My mom called me on Thursday night to tell me that her and my dad were going to come down for the weekend to babysit Alexa on Saturday night. She knew I was worried about taking Alexa to the circus considering it didn't even start until after her normal bedtime. When my friend, Tiffanie, had invited us to the circus back in January, Alexa wasn't going to bed until almost 10:00 pm, so I figured we could certainly go to the 7:30 show. I forgot to factor in that her schedule would change... needless to say, Alexa can become quite fussy if she is kept up later than usual. We wanted to enjoy the circus, so we happily accepted my parents' offer to come down! They arrived on Friday night and witnessed that "past bedtime fussiness" because I had kept Alexa up until 7:25 pm just to say hello. The morning was much better ~ Alexa was thrilled to see Noni & Papa and hung out with them before even wanting to eat! Dan & Dad got an early start loading all of our yard waste into the back of the truck to be taken a drop-off site (since Columbus canceled free yard waste pick-up). While we had the truck down here, Dan also bought a bulk amount of stone to cover the mud pit surrounding our shed. On Saturday afternoon, we went down to campus to do some shopping for OSU paraphernalia. Then, of course, on Saturday night Dan and I went to the circus with Tiffanie and Ben, and some of Tiffanie's other friends. Afterward we were able to have some drinks with friends, it was nice to have an evening out ~ thanks, Mom & Dad! Can't wait to spend a LONG weekend in Perry for the holiday!!!! After church on Sunday morning, we had breakfast and enjoyed a few more hours together before my parents headed home. Dan, Alexa, and I went out to Canal Winchester for Dan's cousin's 1st Communion Party in the afternoon. It was really great to see the extended Ritchey family, although Alexa was a little "Mommy clingy" (one of the downfalls of being a stay-at-home mom) and didn't allow anyone, including Dan, to hold her. I think she was just nervous with so many unfamiliar faces around that she needed to be with me for confidence, at least that's my best guess. I'm hoping that as time goes by, this clinginess will fade. Well, we're finishing watching the season finale of 24 so I'm gonna boogie. Gotta enjoy the last few minutes of seeing Jack & Tony's faces on TV together :-) Ciao.
I don't get it....who's ring is it??? LOL. LOOOVE the death grip on her toy. That is so funny!
We don't know whose ring it is. The previous owners never mentioned losing a ring, and no one has lost a ring since we've lived here... so now it's mine, well, mine to exchange for something :-) LOL
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