Besides our fun at the mall, we went to visit with Kelly & Charlie at Embassy Suites on Saturday. It was nice meeting Kel's family and great to talk wedding stuff with the couple! So excited for their BIG day! Alexa was super attached to Kelly within moments and enjoyed looking out the hotel window saying "cars" and "vroom"ing (which really entertained the Williams' clan because Alexa lifts her hands when she says "vroom" -- I've taught her Mommy's car is a roller coaster ride, haha). She also liked reading with Kelly and watching the young kids play in the pool. After Alexa was in bed Francesca came over to babysit so that we could go out for a late dinner to celebrate Eric's 30th birthday. It was a great Saturday!
On Sunday, we went to Mass, did some grocery shopping, and I made a huge dent in my mounds of homework! Daddy and Alexa spent most of the day together so that I could get my school work done, thank goodness.
I've come to realize Alexa is going to make the best big sister ever! She walks around with her baby doll a lot, giving it kisses, feeding it the bottle, or having me wrap it in the blanket. Alexa definitely has some of the Gachuk nurturing gene in her ;-)
On Wednesday, we enjoyed our See Me Run class for the second week. This week Alexa was interested in playing with the balls, coloring (our craft was coloring a Mommy & Baby kangaroo), learning how to go up/down the plastic slide, playing with large farm animals (she knows all the noises they make!), and she figured out how to move the walking firetruck backward instead of just beeping the horn like last week.
The biggest event from class is that an "older boy (probably 2.5), ironically named Danny, has a crush on Alexa ♥ Towards the end of class he came up to her and held her hand, then he hugged her from behind, then turned her around and kissed her... Alexa received her First Kiss ♥ It was too cute! I told his grandma that Daddy was NOT going to be happy, and I was right. Daddy told Alexa, "No boys!" For the record, Papa wasn't too pleased either. I think Alexa is going to have trouble dating when she gets older because the men in her life are too overprotective ;-)
Now all she has to learn is how to go forward!
Over the past several days Alexa created this crazy-person laugh. Daddy cannot even contain himself when she starts doing it! I mean, I don't want her to do it while eating because I'm paranoid she'll choke so I had to send Daddy outside during dinner on Wednesday to compose himself :-)~ Here it is, the manic laugh.
Daddy & his "Rosie"
In other news, I'm excited because after speaking with my professor on Monday, she has excused me from class on April 5th... why is this good news? Because it means that when we are home for Easter, Alexa and I can stay on Sunday to enjoy [at least part of] Spring Break with Noni & Auntie (Daddy will make the drive back to C-bus sometime that afternoon/evening alone because he still has to go to work)!! We are definitely looking forward to our Perry Spring Break-cation :)
Alexa is doing better and better in the Playroom at the gym! The newest staff member is a girl named Melissa who happens to be the niece of our friends, Ley & Michelle. This just strengthens my ease with leaving Alexa for 45 min - 1 hr to workout... I know that she is with excellent people who shower her with attention and affection! She has started to play with the other children and doesn't cry when we arrive/depart. This makes Mommy's workout more enjoyable :)
I'd like to say Praise God for the sunshine!!!!!!!! It has been sunny, blue skies here in Dublin and even though it's still chilly, I don't care. The sun makes it beautiful --- hurry up springtime! I'd also like to ask my readers to pray for my friends, Kyle & Sara. It has been awhile since I have posted about them, here's a little update: Despite undergoing strong doses of radiation in the fall, Kyle's cancer has spread. What was originally just a tumor around his brain stem, has now metastasized to his brain and down his spine. Kyle & Sara are talking to loads of doctors to try to come up with a [trial] drug regime for him because he is no longer a candidate for surgery or more radiation, and chemotherapy does not work on this type of cancer. They have been fighting a tough battle and need all the prayers they can get! Prayers for Kyle, for his body to fight this disease and for him to be in minimal pain. Prayers for Sara, for strength and comfort as she stands by her husband. Prayers for the doctors, that they come up with the best plan. Just lots and lots of prayers, my friends!! If you'd like to read more about Kyle, Sara has been blogging so check it out.
Well, that's all I've got for now. Today (once Her Highness wakes up because she is still sleeping as I type this at 7:52 am - she's a great sleeper!) Alexa and I are going to the gym, have a few errands to run, and will finish laundry and packing before Daddy gets home around 3:00 pm so we can leave for PERRY! It's been a LONG three weeks without Noni, Papa, JaJa, and Auntie, and we are all really looking forward to seeing them!!! TGIF. Ciao.
1 comment:
No wonder Alexa got her first kiss already- she is so adorable!!! Miss you xxx
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