Monday, February 23, 2009

Blog Permissions

I had a talk yesterday with my grandma, and she brought some valid points to my attention in regards to the 'publicness' (if you will) of this blog. I had not thought about when I post how we are going out of town that I am announcing on the world wide web that our house is unattended. I also hadn't thought about the fact that I am declaring to potential kidnappers or pedafiles that I have a young baby in my house (I know, I know, I sound a tad dramatic, but people are freaking crazy!). I am stubbornly admitting that my grandmother is right about the safety issues my postings potentially create for Alexa, Dan, and me. Therefore, next Sunday (March 1st) I am going to make my page only accessible to people who have 'permission.' Simply put, I will provide Blogspot with a list of email addresses of people who can check our blog. So, if you are a person who wants to continue to have access please email me at Thanks for your understanding and continued interest in our lives!!!


perrynana said...

Thank God you are listening to Grandma. We discussed this topic at leangth when I was over there on Sunday and she told me she was going to talk to you. It is a crazy world out there. Include me as a friend so that I can continue to keep up.
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Grandma knows best and glad you think so too. Funny how a woman who does not even own a computer knows more about it than the rest of us. Dan, grandma has some of your trivial out! I am sure this is a given...count me in on your list of approved predators. LOL Cannot wait to see you all!
Love forever,

Unknown said...

Please include me too! I don't want to miss anything.